Is a high school sophmore doomed with a "C" in math for UC's

My son would like to attend UCSB. He currently has a “C” in pre-calculus and we now have a tutor for him but he may well end with that grade. Someone told me that UC’s are out with a “C” in math. All his other grades are A’s and B’s. I know this may be premature since he is only a sophomore. I also don’t want him to be in a situation where he can’t handle the school work. Any advice?

He’s a sophomore. It’s hard to know until really the middle of junior year after SATs have been taken which schools would be best for him. Focus now on his grades themselves rather than what college he’s going to end up at.

Thanks good advice.

Agree with above advice. One C will not ruin his chances for the majority of colleges, but it important that he understand the HS Math material. He has plenty of time work on his grades. Just have him keep up the good work.

Make sure he shows an upward trend through the rest of his high school career.

Your son is working on very advanced math at a young age. Pick his next math class carefully.

one other thing to keep in mind, not getting into a UC is hardly being doomed to a life of failure. There are many non-UC educational institutions that prepare students well for life and careers.

^^Agree. Thank you.