Is all this possible?

<p>Thanks for all the responses. </p>

<p>DS was originally in AP English but switched out of it. Getting into the one AP class, it was missing first day of school, would have required changing his schedule around too much. I was hoping he would test out of it, as it is his least favorite subject.</p>

<p>I will strongly suggest he take the AP Comp test anyway, as it would be a great benefit for him that first year.</p>

<p>I was also hoping he would work for Xmas season, lots of PT jobs, but he fractured his foot and his orthopedic issues always complicate foot injuries. So he is going to need Work Study if it is offered. The Dining Dollars were not going to be used and cashed in for sophomore year to offset costs.</p>

<p>He does very well in math. It was his math skills that led to him being put into the gifted program in third grade. So I think he could certainly handle those classes in college with very little trouble. So if he does well on the AP test for Calc, he can skip Calc I that first semester? </p>

<p>The summer school is also interesting. Will look into what is offered nearby. </p>

<p>I do wish finances weren’t so tight, because it does make college, even after acceptance, rather stressful. But I am very determined that he gets to take advantage of this incredible opportunity, but also be able to enjoy himself at the same time. </p>

DS was originally in AP English but switched out of it. Getting into the one AP class, it was missing first day of school, would have required changing his schedule around too much. I was hoping he would test out of it, as it is his least favorite subject.</p>



<p>make sure the AP Comp test is ordered…not Lit</p>

If he passes the AP Calc Exam (I’m assuming Calc AB) with a 4 or a 5, he should be fine to move onto Calc 2. I’m a math major (starting 3rd year in fall 2015) who passed the AP Calc AB Exam with a 5 and started classes with Calc 2. I’ve had no problems with coursework thus far.