is an essay needed?

<p>Hi, I was wondering if I could submit no essays for my VTech application. As I look around, it seems that VTech is largely a stats based admission, I have also seen similar findings at other websites. And so I feel like I have strong stats where I don't really need an essay. Or does not having at least one essay really hurt my chances? Anybody get in without one essay? Thanks</p>

<p>My straight up stats.
*White male from a large public high school in NY
*ACT- Composite-33
*Weighted GPA: 4.2
*Class Rank: 47/860 (Top 6%)
*Rigorous Senior course load (5 AP Courses) and took 2 other AP classes and all honors classes throughout high school.</p>

<p>you are out of state, so an essay could only help, but your stats are really good so you’ll definitely get in.</p>

<p>thanks! im just so busy lately with applying to other colleges and current school work, i feel like i never have time.</p>

<p>Pretty similar stats to kids from my HS who got in this fall and were OOS like you. I wouldn’t worry for a minute about getting in, but might as well toss in the essay.</p>

<p>Given your stats, I’m sure you’re applying to other schools with an essay you’re taking seriously. Rework that to fit what Tech’s looking for and submit it.</p>

<p>Your stats are great and you shouldn’t have a problem at all getting in without the essays. However, it doesn’t do anything but help your chances if you write the essays. If VT is your number one choice, definitely write the essays. If VT is just a safety school, you could probably go either way.</p>

<p>Anyways, VT’s essays are just three personal statements of no more than 250 words. With your stats, I don’t think you should have a problem writing up three great responses!</p>

<p>Good Luck!</p>

<p>VT is largly stat based admissions, you are correct. They also favor instate students. As others have said, an essay can only help. The essay guidelines are zero to three essays on topics listed which include the option of a writing sample. There’s no need to rework anything. Use a well written essay that shows copetency within the word limit (there is a small grace, we called and asked). If they look beyond your stats they simply want to know you can write decently. It doesn’t even have to relate to your major. Again, choose what you feel is your best sample, submit the one essay, and don’t stress further.</p>

<p>what exactly does the “Free response - writing sample.” mean.</p>

<p>does this mean i can provide a sample of my writing (like i wrote a really catchy intro to a paper once before, can i just use that?) or does this mean that i can write about a prompt that has not been given?</p>

<p>You can use a writing sample as long as it’s within the word limit.</p>

<p>You have great stats, so you don’t need an essay to help you get in. But submitting an essay couldn’t hurt, as long as it’s appropriate for the application’s essay topic.</p>

<p>alright thank you guys. I have other essays that are longer that I think I’m just going to cut down anyway and use as a free response. Thanks though.</p>