Is anyone else getting annoyed by that kid* in your class who dominates discussions?

<p>This girl in my class is always dominating every class discussion and answering like almost every question the teacher asks, and although i admire her ideas/contributions (sometimes) i often feel stupid/pale in comparision when i'm in class. I mean, much of what she says in class is stuff that i reach the same conclusion about and/or want to say too...but i'm too shy (in comparison) to do so. In my classes, its very easy for there to be one person that dominates, b/c whenever teachers ask a hard q, everyone else is initially like "ummm.." (and most of the time, i just m not interested in answering or dont feel the need to b/c i already know the answer. plus, i m a little shy to speak up in class for fear of saying something stupid or getting the wrong answer). Idk....maybe i m just an indpendent learner.</p>

<p>Yes, basically in ALL of my classes. But I generally just ignore it if i know the answer, or try and listen so I can say something equally insightful next time.</p>

<p>It’s probably not the best idea to pin some kid for your own insecurities. Teachers are usually happy when another student decides to chime in.</p>

<p>No, because I am that kid.</p>

<p>i agree with Platts… teachers give everybody a chance</p>

<p>yes i do know some people like that. and they happen to also be the people who are so full of themselves that they act like they’re the top of the world. yeah, i can’t stand those people. there are basically a handful of kids who always say stuff in my lit class and if its not what they think, you feel like you’re the ■■■■■■■■ one. </p>

<p>even though i know those kids, trust me its not worth it to bother. if you feel keeping quiet doesn’t hurt you or your grades, then don’t worry.</p>

<p>No I generally enjoy a vibrant and lively AP English class, where although there may be one kid who will answer every question, there are 10 kids who proceed to argue their point and prove each other wrong, etc.</p>

<p>the thing that does annoy me though is in math when kids feel the need to scream the answer to each step in an equation. like for example in calc whenthe teacher is solving some multi-step problem, she’ll be up to an easier arithmetic portion where immediately as she writes the step on the board(like 30+55 ) the kid screams out 88 before she even finishes her sentences…basically acting like he just derived the theory of relativity.</p>

<p>No, I don’t hate it. In AP lit, I’m usually the one to answer the question. Pipe up and be heard if you really want to have input, jeez.</p>

<p>But 30 + 55 doesn’t equal 88 :frowning: …</p>

<p>^^^ lol, i just noticed that hehe</p>

<p>I know this kid and from her perspective, she feels trapped: Either she says nothing and the class sits there in boring, awkward silence and nobody learns anything (or people make dumb guesses) or she speaks up and risks looking like a know-it-all and a show off. Either way she loses, so she hates being in those classes and is desperate to get to college where she is hoping that the kids will be both braver and smarter.</p>

<p>ahahaha my bad, I was typing too fast lol. I was just trying to make a quick example lol</p>

<p>^^Seriously, M’s Mom is right. In ~all of my classes, the teacher just sits there desperately waiting for an answer after asking a question, so I sit there for a few minutes (and GEEZ a few minutes is a long long time to sit in awkward silence…) waiting for SOMEONE to wager a guess, at least, and I usually end up saying something just to relieve the teacher of the awkwardness…</p>

<p>This annoys me a lot. I always go for insight over volume, quality over quantity. But anyone who tries to monopolize class discussions is a complete PoS. I do have moments where I feel it necessary to flex my brain muscles, but I’m subtle and occasional about it. Lots of kids in my school try to do that, especially to ‘spite the val’, but they just make asses of themself, really.</p>

<p>This girl in one of my classes is just like that, it drives me nuts to the point where I feel intimidated to contribute because I’m just so quiet in comparison. It makes her look like a star student to the teacher when in reality, she just loves to hear herself talk. </p>

<p>I wish I could contribute more to class discussions but I take longer to think deeply about questions my teachers ask while other people just shout out something right away. When a teacher randomly calls on me and I’m still thinking, it sounds like I have no answer at all or I wasn’t listening/participating. Anyone else like that?</p>

<p>Does anyone have tips for contributing more to class discussions? I have these crazy instinct that I’ll be humiliated and ridiculed if I give a wrong answer.</p>

<p>Well in Latin, I’m THAT kid =&lt;/p>


<p>I don’t mind kids who dominate discussions if they actually have something meaningful and intelligent to contribute. It’s the ****** bags who are cocky and say stuff that contributes absolutely nothing to the discussion. I had a kid like that in my English 101 class. So annoying. Even teachers sometimes hate these type of kids though… haha.</p>

<p>um four arm. lol.</p>

<p>I hate the kids who say stupid things and think they’re right.</p>

<p>Like, those people who try to impose their opinions on other people.</p>