<p>im scared to apply to stanford, or any ivys for that matter. i know im a good student with lots of personality and leadership skills and blah blah, but doesnt everyone who apply? out of the 6,000 (i could be wrong) people who get into stanford each year, are they ALL the top in the nation?? do i even have a chance? what would be the worst application fo someone who was addmitted? like a 3.5 with a pretty good essay? anyone picking up what im laying down??.....</p>
<p>Well, you never know unless you try. The figures may seem daunting, but they really shouldn't deter you. If everyone was hesitant about applying, Stanford wouldn't have nearly the quality of students that they currently are blessed with. If you feel that you're qualified, then just go for it!</p>
<p>look werunthis08 you really have very little to lose (around 60$ and a few days) and the reward could be huge. If you don't get in that's fine if you do all the better. Trust me its not impossible but just some friendly advice really don't expect to get in to any uni that way if you don't you won't be shocked and if you do the joy will be all the greater :)</p>
<p>Honestly, I'm ****ing scared.</p>
<p>However, that's not going to stop me from applying.</p>
<p>same here, ManUtd200le, same here.</p>
<p>Better to apply than to look back with regret that you never did, eh? regardless of the results.</p>
<p>Scared? Why would anyone be scared? You have nothing to lose.</p>
<p>I'm never scared of s***!!!!!</p>
<p>yea, i'm scared too =(</p>
<p>Really you shouldn't be scared. Sure it may be a bit frightening but not scary as death. Just apply and make sure that you keep in mind that you have a chance but only a chance of getting in. Good luck!!</p>