Is AP Capstone Offered Online?

Is AP Capstone Offered Online? This is referring to AP Seminar and AP Research. Also, do you have any specific providers?

Why are you asking this on the Harvard Thread?

Part of the college applications process is learning to do the research work yourself. In this case, you could have googled: “AP Seminar and AP Research” and found this website:

Then, by selecting Massachussets, and looking for Harvard, you would have seen that Harvard (and no other college) is a participating member because that program is a high school only program and is not offered at the college level.

You could have also googled “Harvard AP Credits” and found this website: and seen that Harvard only gives credit for a score of a 5 on an AP test and only if a student elects Advanced Standing (graduating in less than 4 years). You would also have seen that AP Seminar and AP Research is not among any of courses Harvard gives credit for if a student selects Advanced Standing.

Thank you @gibby