Is applying as a Junior possible? Crazy?

<p>Here's the deal. My son has blah blah scores, blah blah GPA, a very small set of EC's because he's at a very small school as one of the founding class. The school gave up trying to keep up with him academically over a year ago; as a result, he's been taking substantive classes at a local community college. Even <em>that</em> isn't any challenge -- he's been the highest grade in the class, etc. This summer, he's spent the summer at Stanford in fuzzy classes and will probably end up with 2 A's and a B. (The summer session has two more weeks.) I've recently realized that at this rate, if he continues what he's doing, by the time he's due to apply to colleges, he'll have enough credits to have to apply as a <em>transfer</em> for many schools, including Stanford. </p>

<p>He's also old for his grade, because his birthday was just after the cutoff, so he'll be turning 17 this fall. Honestly, he probably could have skipped a grade or two in the past, but because of family issues (his father hates formal education, there was a whole custody thing, he's changed schools tons of times) he never got the chance. So, honestly, at this point, high school is just a social outlet for him. He takes the tests they want him too, turns in the papers, and studies what really interests him on his own time. His summer at Stanford (getting real college credit, in classes with regular Stanford students) has really made him feel even more discontented with high school. The thought of two more years of it has makes him sorta wince and groan, though he's very polite about it. </p>

<p>Given that, I am sure he could apply early to many many places and get in, with scholarships or kickass financial aid, because I, his parent, am penniless and mostly unemployed. He doesn't just want to go <em>anyplace</em>, though -- he wants, really wants -- to go to Stanford. He's thought about other schools, he's spent the summer there, and that's what he wants. If this were his Senior year, he'd be applying EA and we'd be waiting to hear. </p>

<p>It's not, though. So, here's the question. Does Stanford ever admit a year early? If he applied and didn't make it, would it be likely to color his changes for next year? Should he try? We're going to have to decide now, because he'll need to start taking an additional English class at community college to make final graduation requirements. On the one hand, I hate for him to risk his chances to get into the school of his dreams. On the other, well, it's very sad to see him having to go from Plato and advanced research back to English classes based on reading one book every 6 weeks. </p>


<p>What are your son's stats? I'm pretty sure that unless he actually is a college student, he won't be considered a transfer, no matter how many credits he has. Applying junior year is not unheard of, but it's usually reserved for unusually qualified students. We'd have to know your son's exact stats (GPA, SAT's, AP's, EC's) to make a formal evaluation.</p>

<p>USC has a program that allows you to enter college after your junior year, you should check that out, I believe it comes packaged with several incentives.</p>

<p>Nope, the Stanford criteria is very clear, college students and high school students with concurrent enrollment who have more than a particular number of hours of college credit MUST apply as transfers.</p>

<p><i>USC has a program that allows you to enter college after your junior year, you should check that out, I believe it comes packaged with several incentives.</i></p>

<p>Except he doesn't want to go to USC, at all. This isn't a question of whether there are schools he <em>could</em> get into -- because I know he could -- but about applying to Stanford in particular.</p>

<p>3.95 unweighted, 22something SAT with verbal in the 750 range (that's his first try as a sophomore, he's taking it over a couple more times), NO AP's because his school doesn't offer them. EC's involve teaching himself Latin and medalling on the NLE two years in a row, tutoring math and physics, and Quiz Team. His school has no sports, and I think 3 EC's -- drama, quiz team, and student council. He probably won't ever take any AP's; instead, he just takes the college coursework. He's got a 4.0 in college coursework.</p>

<p>Totally possible. We have a few early grads at my school! They take classes during the summer, by correspondence, or night school and are able to graduate with enough credits.</p>

<p>my neighboor applied and was accepted as a junior. he is attending right now so yes it is possible</p>

<p>Wow, did your neighbor graduate early or have the full complement of classes, or what? I'd love to hear details!</p>

<p>my neighbor is extremely bright...i remember in middle school he went over to the local high school to take classes there...i think he had taken every single math course offered by the time he graduated...i know he had quite a course load and also scored a perfect 1600 on the SATs...he graduated a year early as a junior...hope that helps</p>