Is Baruch a good school for me?

my GPA is 3.72 unweighted and 4.11 weighted
My SAT is 1820 or somewhere around there .. i forgot
I kind of started off bad in Freshman year but was able to maintain 4.0 during all other years . They are all explained in my essay and letters of recomendation.
i have been in volleyball team for 2 years, in tennis team for 1 year, community service group for 2 years, am in the student government as vice president. I have GREAT letters of recomendations and am in the NHS , and Whos Who Among American Student, and in Society of High School Scholars. I have a part time job during the school year and a full time job during the summer . </p>

<p>Is Baruch a Good Choice for me? I wanna double degree in Business and Computer Science..
Thanks =]</p>

<p>Bump Bump Bump</p>

<p>Admissions to CUNY is a straight numbers based system (your ECs blah, blah, blah really will not matter). Most of is computerized as all of the applications go through the processing center. They are then ranked in order of highest SAT scores/grades to the lowest (process is a bit different is your are a seek/college discovery or HEOP student). Based on the number of slots the school has that is how many students are admitted, for example if Baruch is taking in 2000 freshman (I am not sure how many students they take in) then the top 2000 applicants will be admitted.</p>

<p>Because things are still kind of up in the air about the writing section, how does your 1820 break out? The key to getting in rolling admissions is to apply early.</p>