<p>MY Stats:
SAT 1 V 460 (ouch) M 670
SAT 2 Spanish 790 MathIC 710 Math 2c Not yet (+700) Physics 630 Writing 500
Came here 4 yrs. ago to US.
Lots of extracurricular activities (president for 2 clubs)
3 yrs. of tennis 1 yr. of soccer
8 AP classes (2 Selfstudy) My school offers 8 AP's....
What do you guys think...is Berkeley (Engineering) possible??</p>
<p>rate me ... rate me.....is it possible??</p>
<p>If I'm not mistaken, the purpose of ELC is to let the UCs enroll more minority and poor kids since then can not technically employ AA. Guaranteeing admission to the top 4% of every school allows them to enroll more minority and poor kids. ELC is not going to help a white/asian kid get into a better UC than they otherwise would.</p>
<p>800 math is good, and the 5 on calc AP, go in for some type of math major so they know you are pursuing what you are amazing at.</p>