Is Berkeley really for me?

<p>Alright so I've been researching the school since probably my freshman year, and now I'm a senior. I don't have the best grades or test scores to get in right now, but I could transfer later on. So I was considering UC Berkeley for various reasons, and not just because of the name. I was thinking about either majoring in chemistry or engineering and Berkeley obviously has a superb program in those areas. I love how liberal the students and the college is, and that would definetely make me feel at home considering that I'm a liberal and gay. The campus is gorgeous and not too far from my home (I live in san francisco). The tuition at UC schools isn't as high as those at privative universities, so that's definetely a plus. It's an urban setting and the university is very diverse and vibrant, which I prefer over a quiet and small college town. Not too much into sports, but would love to get into sports in college and Berkeley has a fantastic team (right? Divison 1 in NCAA? lol, i dunno).
yea those are the advantages, but there's also a few disadvantages as well. If I do get into Berkeley as a freshman (which would take a miracle), it is a bit too close to home, and I don't want my parents spying on me at every minute. I hear most students at a UC graduate within six years, so that might be a good thing and or a bad thing. I have to admit I can get pretty intimidated by a competitive environment, so all the smart kids at Berkeley would probably make me feel like I'm not smart enough. So yea that's what I've come up with so far. I know it comes down to me and if I think the university is right for me, but what do you guys think?</p>

<p>Visit, and take a tour. Audit a class. Talk to students. There are many good things about UC Berkeley, yet there are also some not as good points.</p>

<p>" all the smart kids at Berkeley would probably make me feel like I'm not smart enough."</p>

<p>I always thought I was really smart but in the last 5 weeks the smart kids at Berkeley have made me feel like I am not always smart enough! :)</p>

<p>I think you're pretty accurate about the advantages. A few things about the advantages:</p>

I hear most students at a UC graduate within six years, so that might be a good thing and or a bad thing.


<p>58% graduate in 4 years or less, and actually that number should be a bit higher now. Many who don't choose to stay. I wouldn't worry too much about not graduating on time. If you want to graduate in 4 years it shouldn't be a problem.</p>

I have to admit I can get pretty intimidated by a competitive environment, so all the smart kids at Berkeley would probably make me feel like I'm not smart enough.


<p>Well, there are definitely some really smart people here, but there are also some people who make you think "how did Berkeley let these people in?" Most people are just like you; they worked hard in high school, got good grades, got involved, good test scores, and are pretty intelligent in general.</p>

I love how liberal the students and the college is, and that would definetely make me feel at home considering that I'm a liberal and gay


<p>I can definitely vouch for this. However, most colleges are liberal so consider other colleges too. I don't think the difference between Berkeley and other colleges is that great, honestly.</p>

<p>Anyway, I agree with unlimitedx. Visit if you haven't already, and visit some other colleges you are interested in, and compare.</p>

<p>I also have a question- how safe would you consider Berkeley? On a scale of 1-10, 10 as most dangerous?
Safe in campus (score)
Safe in Berkeley (score)
Overall opinion (score)</p>

<p>Safe in campus (8)
Safe in Berkeley (6)
Bike's safety in Berkeley (1)</p>

<p>i'm from fremont myself, so i know what you mean when you think berkeley is "too close to home." i mean, i really wanted to get away...i originally wanted to go out of state for school. but when i got here, i soon learned that the university and the city of berkeley is like its own place in its own time and space. it actually feels like i'm far away, even tho my house is like half an hour away...and that's a very good thing. i feel far enough to feel completely independent and on my own and all that good stuff...yet if i ever really need anything, my house is just a BART ride away!</p>

<p>I live in Berkeley, and my son attended Berkeley; he felt, while there, that he was experiencing a different city altogether, made lots of new friends, was very involved in campus activities, especially music performance. He graduated in 4 years without any difficulty. He loved the experience and is now in graduate school in NY. Berkeley safety depends on where you are -- in the hills, where I live, it is very safe. On campus, it is generally safe, but I would not walk in the wooded areas at night alone. Telegraph Ave. and People's Park are not safe at night; Shattuck Ave. can be iffy too, especially at night. Northside is safe. I have lived here since 1967 (!), having attended as an undergraduate, graduate, and law student, and lived on Southside for most of my undergraduate years. It was about the same safety-wise then, and I had no bad experiences on campus or off, but you have to keep your eyes open.</p>

<p>the safety issue is just a matter of you not beind stupid. if you walk around late at night around people's park alone, with nice clothes and jewlery on, and your not going to trade that jewlery for drugs...then you'll probably get mugged. It's a matter of just being street smart, knowing your surroundings, acting confident, and being with a group (safety in numbers). It's just like any urban center.</p>

<p>About bike safety: Berkeley tries to be very bike-accommodating; there are "bicycle routes" all over, marked by purple signs, and bike lanes. It is more hilly than you would think, and there is also a lot of traffic, but lots of people ride bikes. Up in the hills, there is a steady stream of people riding up to Grizzly Peak on their mountain bikes. There are wonderful riding trails in the area, for mountain biking especially. As to theft: You need a high-end bicycle lock, and should never leave the bike unlocked on campus.</p>

<p>regarding bike safety... i came to berkeley with an old not great looking bike that my parent's rehabbed for me to use. the lock is worth more than the bike. my mom put a stupid and ugly basket on it. i locked it in the unit 1 bike storage on august 20 and forgot about it until last week. it's gone! my mom is furious because she spent $70 on the lock at a bike shop in Berkeley and the guy told her the lock would survive the CAL campus! :)</p>

<p>I think Berkeley is one of the schools that you either love it or hate it. There are so many things that are amazing about Cal, some things people can't stand. I think you have to personally way which is which. But it is also what you make of it. If you go in thinking you'll love it, you will, and vice versa.</p>

<p>CA2006, that's disconcerting. I had a similar misfortunate run-in with bike theft but cracking a $70 lock in the unit 1 bike storage? That's a new one.</p>

<p>Smallz3141, I think you are pretty accurate, but I also think some people either love or hate college, and it's hard to distinguish their feelings for Berkeley and their feelings for the general college experience.</p>