<p>So we have 3 more weeks until UC Berkeley decisions come out... and I am about to lose my freaking mind!
I have trouble sleeping at night because I think about it SO MUCH when I lie down and stare at my ceiling.
It's getting worse and worse as it's getting closer and I feel like the time can't go any faster.
I know some people will tell me to chill out and it's not all that but I really gave up on so many things in life to do this and worked soooooooo hard for the past 4 years... and I just really really really want to go to Berkeley!!! Any of you out there feel the same way? :/</p>
<p>Didn’t even apply. So no. </p>
<p>@smltk1505h lol thanks you are making me look even crazier! jk lol then which one is your #1 school?</p>
<p>Don’t stress out too much, you’ve done all you can do right now. If you can, take some of that energy and focus it on your current classes, you’ll need good spring grades if you get in!</p>
<p>(I transferred to Cal a couple years ago, it was my top choice then too. Good luck!)</p>
<p>It’s my #2.</p>
<p>Berkeley is an amazing school, but I just don’t know if I’d like the atmosphere there. Things seem to be more relaxed at UCLA from what I’ve heard, but hey, I am biased.</p>
<p>I am right there with you. It’s like all I think about. I know it’s not healthy to obsess over something like this, but I do. I wish I could just wake up and it was the 25th. This will be the longest 3 weeks of my life.</p>
<p>@failure622 You are right… the thing is that I am only taking some easy chill classes this semester so it gives me a lot of free time which isn’t good but thanks for the advice! I am so jealous, how do you like Cal?</p>
<p>@Cayton haha I lived in LA my whole life and I really want to get out and experience something new… and hey I also went to SMC and I just think UCLA will be like SMC 2.0… hmm what do you think?</p>
<p>@music1990 Oh yeah it’s so not healthy… and I totally agree, it’s going to be the longest 3 weeks for me too it’s to the point that I can’t sleep at night and not just some nights but every night… I have to at least spend 2 hours tossing and turning before I can tire myself to fall asleep
<p>Yeah that sounds pretty bad. For me it’s like the worst in the morning. I wake up, and I immediately start thinking about it, and don’t care about anything I have to do that day. I’m like a zombie lol and I can’t focus on anything. Luckily my classes are pretty easy so it’s not like it’s affecting my school.</p>
<p>@CALmcb2014 </p>
<p>I understand your desire to get outside of your comfort zone and I respect it. I personally prefer staying close to home and a more relaxed academic environment, but to each their own.</p>
<p>Berkeley is one of my top choices, but I’m only a junior right now… haha… so about a year from now, I’ll be right there with you! Good luck!!</p>
<p>Berkeley is my number one. It’s everything I’ve been working for! And I really love the atmosphere up there. </p>
<p>@ocnative </p>
<p>You know UCLA > Berkeley.</p>
<p>Just admit it and file your SIR with UCLA if/when you get in. :)</p>
<p>@Cayton </p>
<p>We’ll see about that have you visited Cal’s campus? </p>
<p>@music1990 Yeah I knew I was going to be all crazy so I only took chill classes this semester too. The only thing worse than not getting in is getting your admission revoked because you couldn’t keep up your gpa… but I am glad I am not the only crazy one @.@ good luck! I really hope both of us get in!</p>
<p>@Catyon Everyone is different I guess yeah since I went to SMC for 4 years and I’ve seen many of my friends going to UCLA, I definitely want some change and I’d feel like there wouldn’t be much difference if I go to UCLA… except for the fact that it’s going to be harder and more intense haha and I HATE the traffic :(</p>
<p>@d0texe junior as in high school junior? haha well thanks good luck to you too!</p>
<p>@ocnative Yes! I fell in love with their campus when I visited there and plus I love San Francisco! I guess UCLA has more relaxed vibes academically like @Cayton said but the campus wise to me, Berkeley seemed more chiller and welcoming… idk haha</p>
<p>@CALmcb2014 Downside to San Francisco: everything is ridiculously expensive.</p>
<p>Edit: Got rid of my profanity :P</p>
<p>@ocnative </p>
<p>I haven’t visited Cal’s campus. Is it nice?</p>
<p>@CALmcb2014 </p>
<p>I see what you mean.</p>
<p>At first it was when I wanted to go to Haas or do Econ, but I am kind of up in the air with it if I got in. I am really on a UCSD ‘kick’ right now. </p>
<p>I applied but I doubt I’ll get accepted, if I do, I’ll definitely register. So far I’ve admitted into UCSC and UCR, if Berkeley rejects me, I’ll go to UCR. </p>
<p>Cal would be my first choice, but the very strict unit cap has me worried. It basically means I can’t do the double major that I wanted. </p>