Is Between the Lines Summer Writing Program Worthwhile? Which Writing Programs Should I Invest My Time Into?

Hello! I’m a high school sophomore passionate about writing and the visual arts, and have been in the process of planning out my summer and applying to some writing summer camps. With so many writing workshop-related opportunities available around the US, and only so much time during the summer, I truly want to focus on those that will have the greatest and fullest impact not only for my writing but also for post-high school endeavors.

Currently, I’m waiting on decisions from Iowa Young Writers Studio and Kenyon Summer Residential Workshops, and just recently heard about the virtual two-week program Between the Lines: Peace and the Writing Experience held by the University of Iowa. (Between the Lines | The International Writing Program) It sounds like an amazing program, and some alumni have even gone on to start the literary magazine Aster Lit. However, the application is more extensive than Iowa’s and Kenyon’s, and I haven’t been able to find reviews, testimonies, or mentions outside of the program website.

Does anyone here know about this program? In addition, what other prestigious and impactful writing opportunities should I be on the lookout for, besides Iowa, Kenyon, YoungArts, and Scholastic?

Thank you!

My D did BTL (the Identity and Belonging version). It was a good program for her as a starting point for summer writing programs, but she did it the first summer of the pandemic, so it was virtual and also in the early days of programs figuring out how to deliver a good program virtually. I think it would have been a much more impactful program for her if she’d been able to do the 2 week residential program. The writing part of it was primarily poetry focused.