Is Binghamton really that good? Would love some educated opinions

Rebeccar, graduate programs are usually more varied in terms of ages of the students. And of course in a city like Philadelphia that is a nonissue. While your best friend may have been 30 when you were 20, that age difference is fairly unusual among close friends. It happens of course. But it is unusual. Life issues are very different for people just at the cusp of adulthood and someone who is 30. Nice that you love the 55 year old student but I bet he’d not love being in a group of 18-21 year olds without a way to access a social circle closer to his age.

Never said it was “usual!” Just that it was possible, especially for a few years.

I’m a pretty personable guy. I make friends pretty easily and I will be involved on campus. I’m Editor-in-Chief at my college paper now and I absolutely love my entire staff. Most of them are all early 20’s and we get along great. I honestly forget that there is an age difference. The truth is, I surround myself with mature students and because of that, I have been very comfortable. I have never been away at college, but I assume that it shouldn’t be all that different. If it is, like I said, my main priority is education. While it would be nice to make some friends in college, I will be there on a mission and that comes first. You guys are great. Thanks for all the advice!

So what did you decide?

Still waiting on NYU. I can’t believe decisions are not out yet. This is crazy

Bing gave me an extension btw, so I didn’t lose my spot just yet. Shut down by Colgate, Columbia and Cornell as well. :frowning: