Is Chemistry Major right for me, even if I may not be be good in math and science?

<p>I'm currently an undeclared student in my sophomore year of college and I have been doing some research on majors. Chemistry is the only science major that really strikes my interest. I really like learning what things are made of, how they're created, etc... Overall, I think it really suits my curiosity of the world.</p>

<p>I took chemistry in high school and I really enjoyed that class. I think it was the most enjoyable science class compared to physics and biology. The problem is that I'm that not strong in science and especially in math. When I took math analysis and calculus 1 back in high school, I had a really difficult time passing. </p>

<p>I've read some comments here and there of how chemistry can be a really difficult major to study. But, I know that anything can be studied if you practice well (and in my case, maybe a little more than others..). So ,would it be a good idea to major in chemistry despite my somewhat weak math/science skills?</p>

<p>If you can’t do high level math you will get killed by Physical Chemistry.</p>

<p>For a chemistry major, you will have to pass three semesters of Calculus and probably a differential equations course and a couple of physics courses as well. If you are already a sophomore and have not started the Calculus sequence, you will find yourself significantly behind in the curriculum and should expect to take an extra year to finish.</p>

<p>I am going to suggest supplemental courses at you local community college. They are very cheap and almost every teacher has a masters or above. </p>

<p>As for difficulty… Nothing is impossible. Difficulty is different to everyone and if you truly enjoy what you do you will be peachy in life. And even if you find something difficult if you practice enough you can do it. Obviously a marathon would be difficult for anyone but if you/me/them practice enough you can do it with relative ease, same as academics.</p>


Upper level chemistry is NOTHING like high school chemistry. It gets very dry and very mathematical. If u can’t cut math & physics, u are unlikely to enjoy or succeed as a chemistry major. </p>