Is classes would be better for an accounting major?

<p>I plan on attending a 2 year college next fall, due to the fact that I can get in for free since a family member works there (woo!) and then transferring out to a 4 year college. The community college only has a business admin. program, but it says it's easily transferable to most accounting programs at 4 year universities. There's two different math "sequences" you can take, either one known as "modeling for decision making" which covers matrices, linear programming, mathematics of finance, counting procedures, sets, probability, functions, exponents, etc., while the other consists of precalc and calc I. Im a senior in highschool right now, and am currently taking the pre-calc course at the highschool through an arraingement between the college and my school. I find it to be somewhat challenging, although not terrible (my grades usually range from mid B to low A). </p>

<p>Would it be better for me to continue with the calculus path but risk getting low grades, or peruse the (presumably easier) "decision making" path? Which would be more viable for a transfer to a relatively good accounting program?</p>

<p>If you have any idea of what 4-year school you might want to transfer to, you should look at the degree requirements for that school. Even among top undergrad b-schools, the calculus requirements vary.</p>