Is Computer Based Honors Program only for those with experience?

Hello, I’ve recently applied to the University of Alabama Chemical Engineering Program with the hope of being admitted to the CBHP. Does anyone know if they only accept people that have experience in doing research in a similar fashion( computer based)? I have never done research before, but am very interested in doing research. I’ve taken AP Computer Science which may help but I’m not sure. I have a 4.0 GPA and 34 ACT so my stats are slightly above average, but will no experience hurt me? Any responses are greatly appreciated, thanks!

You do not have to be an experienced researcher or programmer to be admitted. Any experience might help, but certainly not necessary.

I was just at an Honors College presentation yesterday and I did not have the impression that you needed that type of experience; it seemed like it was more stats driven (?). You have great stats!

A long time ago, it was expressed that the program preferred students without extensive programming experience. Apart from a few people, there is a large push to rename the program to something like Research Honors Program as many students think that they have to know a lot about computer programming to be admitted into the program.

Apply to CBHP. It’s an excellent program.

@scidude34 Your stats are good, but not above par with the students who actively seek admission to the program. The CBH Program is highly competitive, and only 40 students are selected for each calendar year. You do not need computer programming or research experience to get selected, but you do need a strong desire to do research and a have a strong commitment to the CBH Program. You will be dedicating a lot of credits to this program, which will also fulfil a minor. Know that you will be doing public speaking both in front of your classmates/professors and also at presentations. You will be doing classroom work, and also doing research projects. Your freshman end of semester(s) projects will most likely keep you on campus until the last moment (judging by previous years). Is all this worthwhile? Every student that I have known, who has participated, would say “yes”. So definitely read the CBHP information on the Honors College website and apply. Pay particular attention to your essay.
Good Luck!

I agree with everything @robotbldmom posted. A commitment to research is key. The program is a lot of work, but my ds loves it.

Thank you all for fleshing out CBH a little more. Even though we went to the presentation it wasn’t entirely clear to me what CBH does.

Anyone interested in CBH might want to consider listening to some of the presentations coming up the beginning of Dec.

Also, students do need to be aware that CBH does require programming. (A student who does not want to learn to program will most likely not enjoy CBH.) I am pretty sure Fortran is the first language they learn. (I’d have to ask ds to confirm.) Ds is proficient in multiple programming languages which is an important skill when participating in research bc different projects use different languages.

Thanks for all the information! @robotbldmom , could you please expand upon the public speaking portion of this program? I am confident that I would enjoy the rest of this program and get a lot out of it, but I have a slight fear of public speaking. Is this just like presenting your research at the end of the term in like a group of everyone’s projects, or will I be given the microphone and asked to speak in front of hundreds of people at a large presentation? The latter I certainly must work on significantly to be comfortable with. That is the only hesitation I think I have. I realize that large presentations are inevitable in college and the workplace so it’s good to learn early, but is that public speaking ability considered a prerequisite or can you learn as you go through your 4 years? Thanks

No previous experience necessary!!!

There are two different presentation types in CBH. In the fall, there is “CBH Live,” where students present their research orally. I think the presentations are around 15 minutes long. The size of the audience varies, but it’s not a huge crowd. The presentations are recorded and also broadcast live (I have watched live CBH presentations on my computer for a few years now). You might be able to find some recorded presentations by poking around the honors website. In the spring, some students do oral presentations and others do poster presentations of their research. Those who do posters do explain their research to those viewing the posters. I think each student also does a few presentations (good practice!) during the class period over the course of the year.

My D does not enjoy public speaking, and viewed CBH as a good way to get out of her comfort zone. You do not need prior public speaking, research OR computer experience for CBH. FWIW, the research and presentations begin sophomore year.

@scidude34 @BethsMom has given you a good idea of the presentation probabilities, but I will add that some students do travel to conferences and present their work, some students publish, and some students start research during their freshman year. Conferences (away and at UA) can be quite large and the public speaking component is something you will need to become very comfortable with, but this is something that most people will need to contend with in the business world.

Thanks for the responses everyone! I will apply for the CBH program. Public speaking should be easier when I’m discussing something I know a lot about, and am interested in, and I do want to conquer my fear. I really appreciate all of the helpful imput!