Is Corps of Cadets Worth It?

<p>I am really interested in Virginia Tech, as it has almost everything I'm looking for in a college, I think I'd have a good shot of getting in (so I won't bother posting my credentials). The one thing I'm hesitant about is the Corps of Cadets, as I'm definitely shooting for AFROTC and NROTC. My main reason for not applying to the academies is that I want to have a normal social life, instead of the military one while I'm in college. So I'm not sure the sucky social life and heavy restrictions are worth it, even though the Corps is highly regarded. Any opinions? Particularly from current/post Cadets or parents.</p>

<p>People have asked this question before, but gotten minimal responses. Hope that you are more fortunate.</p>

<p>Although I did not attend VT, my impression is that the Corps of Cadets is less demanding than the military academies. For example, you mostly have weekends to yourself, and of course you take regular classes with regular students. Nevertheless, you wear your uniform five days a week for about 12 hours a day. That’s how I compare VT to the academies. At the academies, you are in the military 24/7, but at VT it is more like 12/5. Intense? sure. But not like the academies.</p>

<p>Compared to regular ROTC, the CoC at VT is pretty demanding but most cadets seem to love it. Their social life is mostly normal (except they do have to live in the military dormitories). Hope that you love football, because you have to attend every VT home game and stand up the entire time.</p>

<p>Obviously, you should also consider other universities. Apply to at least five or six additional schools. Compare them all; visit them if at all possible.</p>


Based on this I’d recommend a “normal” AFROTC or NROTC experience at a non SMC school. I don’t think your experience in a Cadet Corp would be close to a “normal social life”. Seriously consider some non corp schools. </p>

<p>I can only speak to my son’s best friend who did Corp at VT. He did not have much, if any, free time. The day and weekend were structured around the Corp and it was anything but a “normal” college experience. By his second year, he did have more freedom and has made life long friends, but it is hard and very military. He still would not change his decision to do the Corp.</p>

<p>From second hand experience you will have virtually no free time as a freshman in the Corps. It gets better in the years after that, but is still a major major time commitment. </p>

<p>I was mostly wondering if I wanted to add Virginia Tech to my application list, and I think I will. I am already applying to several non-SMC schools as well. Thanks for all of your input.</p>