<p>“Sontag: No one compels you to incur debt (for education or for anything else); however, if you opt for myopic and “economical” educational alternatives that foreclose worthwhile opportunities, you have no one to blame but yourself, you made the decision(s), and you should be prepared for the enduring consequences.”</p>
<p>My name isn’t SonTag. It’s time to get a new prescription. I’m not the OP. Of course no one is compelling me to take on 100K+ in debt for a measly UG degree at Duke. I’m debt-averse and fiscally responsible because I pay for everything myself. I’m simply pointing out that IMO, your advice is outdated to say the least. </p>
<p>“I suspect your lack of experience and wisdom is reflected in your views. I’ll stand by mine, based on considerable education and decades of difficult, hard-won experiences and leadership.”</p>
<p>Haha, boomer, you’re telling someone that it’s completely justifiable to take on over 100K dollars of DEBT in this economy to attend Duke UG because they’ll eventually be able to pay it back after working for 40-50 years. Weren’t you the one that stated nothing is guaranteed? If so, we certainly agree on that. Seems as though you aren’t as wise as you might think you are. </p>
<p>“We shall eventually see how your generation performs when it accedes to positions of responsibility, but given the disquieting degree of narcissism, greed and massive self-indulgence we have witnessed thus far, I’m not particularly optimistic.”</p>
<p>This is absolutely hysterical coming from a boomer. And what are you basing this off of? The children you raised or maybe kids like Justin Bieber? Here’s the truth, it’s incredibly easy to make a case that your generation is one of, if not, the worst generations to ever inhabit planet Earth. </p>
<p>Shxx-Bomer: " Pejorative term referring to members of the baby boomer generation. Often used by Generation Xers or Millennials to express their frustration regarding how their parents’ generation inherited a world of unlimited possibility and due to their boundless greed and entitlement, left their children and grandchildren a future of grinding austerity with no end in sight.</p>
<p>Refers to the generation of leeches born during the demographic Post-World War II baby boom between the years 1946 and 1964. A generation of draft dodgers who advocated peace, love and happiness and then grew up to wage deadly, never-ending wars in the middle east and abroad. A generation that has shackled their children with a burden of debt that resulted from their own greed and sense of entitlement."</p>