Is EA Backfiring for High Stats Kids?

I was also thinking that we should do George Mason as well. I’m not sure we have time to do JMU but researching that tonight. You made great points. Thank you!

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What’s your daughter intested in studying?

My high stats S25 has Mason as his current first choice because he’s interested in Korean and film, and they have a pretty cool program in Korean film, and a campus in South Korean. It also a very good computer science program, engineering program, econ and business. And tons and tons of internship opportunities.



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Surprised to hear VT would be considered a “let down” where you are, especially in engineering. Seems like a tough admit lately, even for high stats kids.


It would not be a “let down” for us. Our issue is that she didn’t apply EA, so the likelihood of her getting in RD is apparently small.

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UVA is def not a shoo in for Instate students. It’s a reach school even for In-staters since most seniors apply there. But there are many other va schools she could try applying to as back up if their deadlines are later.


Yes, we thought UVA would be a reach in-state, but still hopeful. Researching other in-state schools with later deadlines now!


Awesome! Math is a great undergraduate degree and Mason’s program is very respectable.


I was not responding to you and know you did not say that. Good luck!

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For engineering VT is not considered a let down, but for everything else it might be considered one for high stats kids. It would be a safety/likely for high stats kids for everything but engineering – so in some circles that would be considered a let down. But it’s a very good school in many, many areas.

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For your reference: From our legacy letter that we received - they noted for 2022, ~ 50,000 applicants. About 9500 admitted (to attain a class ~4000) - 28% Instate and 15% out of state.

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Oh I see now, sorry. Thank you very much!!


We will be crossing our fingers, along with 49,999 other people.


James Madison’s application process is pretty easy, so should be doable by the 15th.

Virginia Tech’s application is due January 15th, and the application is harder because they have 4 supplemental essays that they put a lot of weight on. But they allow self reporting of grades and scores, so you don’t need to worry about your transcripts arriving on time. It would be a stretch, b/c they do take most in the ED/EA round, but might be worth a shot. And they have one of the best food services in the nation (never underestimate that).


For math, consider Pitt. They are rolling admission, and although it’s later in the process, I expect it’s a highly likely admit for your D.


It depends on the HS. For some schools, including ours, being in the top 5% is basically a guarantee for UVA EA, and the top 10% presuming good rigor is >75% . Ours unfortunately is also one where tech and Jmu are often “let downs” for anyone in top 25% though they should not be because they are outstanding schools.


I think for some kids and families, even their top instate publics may seem like a letdown. If you wanted an Ivy or top private, it may seem boring to settle for an instate school that other top kids in your high school are going to.


She applied there back in November! We haven’t heard back yet.


If it helps, all of the Virginia publics are highly regarded by employers.

I know- hard to get a HS kid to think long term.

I’m forever explaining to kids (and their parents) in NJ that paying out of state rates for a public U which is INFERIOR to Rutgers- there has to be a rationale for this other than “I can’t go to the same college that all the HS dope-heads and slackers go to”.

OK, sure. If money is no object, I get it.

But for people who are literally counting every penny to swing the finances on college (with other kids in HS or younger) there’s gotta be some academic reason for choosing to pay more for someone else’s “that’s where the slackers from my HS go”. And my favorite excuse- “Rutgers is just too big” and then the kid ends up at a college almost the exact same size- and MORE spread out, with more time spent on a shuttle or a van. And it costs $500 to come home for Thanksgiving…

V Tech, JMU, George Mason- the further you get from the beltway, the more impressed employers are by these schools.

Oglebee- try sprints as a motivator. Set a timer- see how far your D can get with a “break glass in case of emergency” application. First an hour-- that should get the basics done. Then a 15 minute break to look at shoes online (or whatever her happy place is). Then an hour to bang out one of the essays. Then a break to walk around the block. Then the final hour to finish the other essay or edit one of the other essays she’s already done- and then a quick trip for ice cream or a smoothie. Done. Don’t let this become a two week project until Feb 1==just get another safety school application done as efficiently as possible and then put it out of your minds.

Hugs to you.


Some can be applied until May 1. Look at schools like Alabama (which had the most NMF in the country ans they ‘buy’ them in and Arizona. Some may have an earlier Honors or merit deadline.

There’s always a solid school out there as a just in case. That’s just two of many. And both respond quickly.