<p>Debating, with other friends, wheather EA at stanford is worth the risk. Look at the stats! Half gets rejected?? Anyone can find other data for 2004 or 2005?</p>
<p>Ugh, I don't think I ever did, but I am def. competitive for Stanford.
I'm EA at stanford.
I like Stanford a lot, but I have already accepted that it's just college, so if I end up at Bizerkeley, I'll be just as happy.</p>
<p>The one stat that I will give you is that I got a 6 on the IB Social and Cultural Anthropology exam, which was the crowning moment of my jr. year.</p>
<p>Sorry, I forgot that its not well known. Don't be sorry at all. There are only 30,000 IB kids worldwide, which is a VERY small number considering all the high school students worldwide. A 7 is the highest score, but I was crazy over my 6, because I liked anthropology and studied it because I loved it, not because it was on the test.
Unfortunamente, I didn't get a 7 because my 1st answer of the test went in ONE HUGE circle. I remember thinking "crap, there goes my chance of passing"
The thing about IB tests is that there is no mult choice (except for higher level sciences, if I'm correct). I know there wasnt any on my math exam. So it's def. nuts, especially anthro, because you may have to recall something that was mentioned on only one page of one of the books that you read.</p>