Is everyone able to track their application

<p>I received the following email from Princeton about a week ago</p>

<p>Princeton University has received your application and opened a file for you. In 24 hours, you can use the Princeton Application Tracking System (Princeton</a> University | Application Checklist) to confirm whether or not we've received all of your application materials. To access this online system you will first need to register using the email address and PIN you provided on your application. We will also send you an email when your application is complete.</p>

<p>I tried to go to the link with the email i listed on my commonapp and my PIN on my commonapp but it doesn't let me register. Is anyone else facing this problem? Should I call them up?</p>

<p>Are you 100% sure that you’re using the PIN and email address that you provided on your Princeton supplement? If so, then yes, you probably want to contact someone.</p>

<p>All my stuff was received the 9th according to their site…</p>

<p>…and I submitted the 1st</p>

<p>mine just says complete</p>

<p>Yeah, mine just says “We have received all of your applications materials at this time.”</p>

<p>i can login and it reads ::</p>

<p>The Princeton Admission Office has received all the required pieces of your application. Your application is complete.</p>

<p>Ugh I figured it out… My email on the common app had a SPACE following the address. I kept entering the email without a space on the registration website >.<… Dam Princeton should learn to trim their strings lol (Comp geek speak for you programming virgins)…</p>