<p>What do you think?</p>
<p>Do you mean extra-credit assignments or questions on a test?</p>
<p>Either way I think both are completely fair if anyone in the class is allowed to do the extra-credit to boost their grade.</p>
<p>As long as everyone in the class has the opportunity to do the extra credit, it’s fair. </p>
<p>Rigor varies from school to school and classroom to classroom. It’s very difficult to “normalize” so many factors. But students know what is expected of them and all have the opportunity to succeed.</p>
<p>i have teachers where it would be very very difficult to get an A without it</p>
<p>Nope. I LOVE extra credit. Well when its not a whole “go buy this” extra credit thing</p>
<p>its fair if all classes and students are given the same opportunities. if one teacher is really hard and doesnt give it but another easy teacher does it isnt fair for class rank and all</p>
<p>What everyone else said above. Last year in Spanish, my teacher gave only classes she liked extra credit. We didn’t get it.</p>
<p>Take advantage of it and don’t complain.</p>
<p>It’s fair so long as you earn the extra credit rather than have it given to you, and it’s equal among students. It’s also at the discretion of the teacher, and taking advantage of your resources, so I have no issues with it. </p>
<p>One of my teachers made a rule where there were no extra credit questions on the tests or anything, you had to ask him and get approval for an assignment based on what he felt you needed to improve on for the class. He wouldn’t let you get any if you had an A in the class or if you had a failing grade. (if you’re failing, your focus should be studying the required material to build your grade up.)</p>
<p>The grading system is general is pretty unfair and isn’t an accurate measure of much besides your ability to BS and do lots of busywork. There are plenty of total idiots who have 4.0+ GPAs.</p>
<p>I might be in the minority here but I think you should only be given Extra credit if you are willing to take a risk. If you’re taking a test, and you decide to try the bonus or EC question, you should get points off your test grade if you get the bonus wrong. It’s kind of like these game shows…you currently stand here. You have the opportunity to move 5 steps forward but if you get this wrong, you’ll be 5 steps back…</p>
<p>4.0s at most public highschools mean nothing… but at my school (elite private) you practically to have 2200 to get a 3.7-3.8</p>
<p>Kids have gotten 2300 with 3.0s</p>
<p>I went to an “elite” charter school once so I understand your pain.</p>
<p>As long as everyone gets the same opportunity, I don’t see why not.</p>
<p>Depends. One teacher gave bonus questions on almost every single test on stupid things that he liked. He asked us questions such as naming the 4 members of The Beatles. Also, I’ve seen a kid who had a C+ and asked for extra credit that no one else in the class got and brought his grade up to B-.</p>
<p>How is it unfair? I looove them. One of the reasons why my class rank is 1/600 GO EC!
and let me continue be #1 and EC :)</p>
<p>Are you kidding me?!? In Pre-AP Pre-Calc we NEED extra-credit just so most of the class passes!</p>
<p>lol at Smarty101. Doing extra credit right now for english! gotta push to be an A+</p>
<p>^^ you get EC for pre-calculus! No fair… My teacher said it’s a “college prep” class so he doesn’t give out EC! Screeewwww him! My grade for pre-cal is an 88% too. If he gives me the 6 points EC I’ll have a 92% see what I mean when I say I loooove EC? :D</p>