<p>Money aside, where does Georgetown rank on your list?</p>
<p>For me, it's tied with Harvard, Yale, and Columbia. I have absolutely no clear-cut anymore. The post acceptance letter euphoria has since worn off.</p>
<p>How bout everyone else?</p>
<p>Money aside, where does Georgetown rank on your list?</p>
<p>For me, it's tied with Harvard, Yale, and Columbia. I have absolutely no clear-cut anymore. The post acceptance letter euphoria has since worn off.</p>
<p>How bout everyone else?</p>
<p>tied with Dartmouth.</p>
<p>its tied with Yale and COlumbia, but I should be able to make a better decision after I visit.</p>
<p>Tied with Stanford and UCLA.</p>
<p>Ties with Brown... and kind of Dartmouth.</p>
<p>Ties with Brown and Yale....."Show me the money" lol</p>
<p>What's with all these ties? HOYA SAXA!</p>
<p>Ties are a result of:</p>
<p>1) Financial reasons
2) Uncertainty as decisions have not been released yet by other schools
3) Typical teenager indeciseness
4) It's February and the deadline is not until May 1st (thank God).</p>
<p>mine is a result of the deferral, hee.</p>
<p>The ties are a result of my acute case of indecisionitis. I've suffered from it my whole life. :p</p>
<p>However, the ties are only tentative... gotta wait until April 1st to see where else I get in.</p>
<p>I don't know.
Having been accepted to Penn, I kind of wish Georgetown would NOT admit me. If I am admitted into Georgetown and/or Brown, how do you choose between those two and Penn? Sometimes it would be a whole lot easier just having one school to choose from, you know?</p>
<p>Everybody, give me your PERSONAL rankings between... Penn, Brown and Georgetown.
I know most, if not all, of you will be accepted into multiple institutions of your choice. How do you decide?</p>
<p>yes it is #1</p>
<p>Tonyap, did you get in EA? You never came back and told us! :)</p>
<p>And Thomas- that's weird because I am almost hoping the same thing. If I got into all of the schools that I am applying to, I would have a very hard time making a decision between Georgetown, Brown, and Dartmouth (or Penn, if they gave me really good FinAid).</p>
<p>Thomas: If finaid is not a consideration, I would rank: UPenn, Georgetown, and Brown.</p>
<p>eiffelguy87... actually Penn and Brown have offered very good Finaid packages, although I'm still going to have to take out several loans. Aside from FASA-based grants, Penn and Brown (if accepted to Brown) are giving me additional university-based grants, which will really help out.
With Georgetown, I would only receive FASA-based grants and would have to take out additional Stafford Loans.</p>
<p>The only thing that concerns me about Georgetown is... what if their financial problems continue to grow? What happens in the next 10-15 years if Georgetown falls out of the Top 25 bracket? I know that sounds rediculous, but it could happen.
Any thoughts or suggestions...??</p>
<p>Georgetown is in Washington, D.C.; it will always have former diplomats and foreign dignataries teaching there. Not to mention that SFS is the school for foreign policy/service/etc. and Georgetown Law has always remained a powerhouse. And plus, in the event that Georgetown falls from the Top 25 in 10-15 years, you will have experience in the workforce providing a better judgment of your capabilities, not just which school you graduated from.</p>
<p>Karen Hughes, one of the most prominent figures in Bush's Adminstration, did not graduate from an Ivy or top 25.</p>
<p>It's all about graduate school...</p>
<p>Even if its actual rank falls, people are still going to have the same associations with it for a long time to come.</p>