Is harvard summer school really worth it?

<p>My mom is pushing for me to attend summer school here, but I think I'd be better off doing an science internship or something. For anyone who has gone, is it really worth 8 weeks of summer?</p>

<p>i did 4 weeks, but i wish i had done 8 weeks. those 4 weeks were actually the best weeks of my summer–i made a ton of friends, and it is EXTREMELY fun if u are social
the people there were really cool and it helps ur college app a lot…i ended up with an A- in International Law, so if i get accepted to Harvard Ill start out with a 4.0…ha!</p>

<p>getting an A- or A and sending the transcript to a college when u apply will help u a buttload too…</p>

<p>A- is 3.67 at harvard and they said that the summer school credits don’t count towards real GPA if you get in. Sorry =P But yeah, A-/A tells colleges that you can handle college work.</p>

<p>If your mom wants to send you there because she thinks it’s going to help with admissions, you’re much better off going with a science internship. However, if you’re up for the best 7 weeks of your life (that’s the only option this summer cuz harvard is doing something funny with they calendar), I’d definitely go to summer school. In terms of college admissions related features of SSP, there are LOTS of workshops, some info sessions, and you can do a mock interview.</p>

<p>It depends. If your ultimate dream is to get into Harvard and you have to pay the sticker price, it’s up to your common sense. But if it’s not only to get into Harvard specifically but to have a good intellectual experience by studying with amazing professors + social scene, etc, then it’s a bit more logical</p>

<p>Is roughly $10,000 a big deal to you?</p>

<p>I remember my mom pushed me for these summer programs but i just felt it was way too expensive and of course, she was convinced that attending these would help me get in…i didn’t want her to have that kind of expectations for her 10 grand</p>

<p>but i bet it would be a ton of fun =)</p>

<p>i often hear that the best summer programs are free…like RSI. ;)</p>

<p>Best eight weeks of my life. ^^ Learned a lot, experienced a lot…I thought it was worth it, but of course it was hard for my parents to understand that, but they say they don’t regret spending the $$. You can always try for financial aid, but everyone’s situation is different. When I went, I feel like my experience could have either flopped or succeeded, it all depends on who you are. If you’re open to new things, and the $$ issue won’t make a massively negative impact in your life, then I definitely recommend you apply. :]</p>