Is High school class the equivilant of what in College

So is High school dual enrollment the same as college like I am a sophomore in College Algebra/ College Trig/ (Pre Calculus) but they want to put me in Pre Calc next year what is the difference? Does anyone know?

Usually, “college algebra” + “trigonometry” = “precalculus” as a prerequisite for calculus. However, you should check the college’s catalog to see if the courses you are in are in the correct prerequisite path – a college may have multiple math paths, not all of which lead to calculus (or the highest level of calculus, as opposed to easier calculus-for-business-majors).

You can also check your knowledge of the prerequisites to calculus with the following quiz or similar ones found elsewhere on the web:

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Usually, “college algebra” + “trigonometry” = “precalculus” as a prerequisite for calculus. However, you should check the college’s catalog to see if the courses you are in are in the correct prerequisite path – a college may have multiple math paths, not all of which lead to calculus (or the highest level of calculus, as opposed to easier calculus-for-business-majors).

You can also check your knowledge of the prerequisites to calculus with the following quiz or similar ones found elsewhere on the web:

It does seem odd to take both college algebra + trig and pre Calc. Pre Calc is normally the first two at a faster pace.