Is Honors College worth it for fye?

I was accepted to Purdue’s first year engineering program and honors college. I am currently debating whether to do honors college or not. I am worried that if I do honors college, I will do worse and will not have the GPA I need to get into the discipline of engineering I want to get into.
Also other than priority registration and the honors college dorms, what are some of the other benefits of honors college?

Thank you.

Any comments would be appreciated.

My D is a super senior Chem E and was admitted to the Honors College. In the beginning she found it nice because it gave her an opportunity to register for classes before even the non honors upper classmen did. The honors FYE course was accelerated, time consuming but not substantially more difficult than regular FYE (she thought). She also took an Honors Multivariable Calculus course. The problem came later when attempting to schedule the appropriate number of honors courses. Beyond the first year she was required to come up with projects or additional learning that would make a standard course into an honors course. She was supposed to present her plan to the professor and they would approve it. She felt she had enough on her plate without that. She also did not want to do a capstone project.

Honors or no I doubt you will be bored. I also think there are other things you could do to make yourself into a more marketable engineering student than being an Honors student. Co-oping (work experience) comes to mind. You could start out in the Honors program and see how you like it. You can always choose not to pursue an honors degree.

I’ve heard it’s worth it for the first year – better dorms and more help in the FYE class.

My thoughts is just do it for the first year, and if you hate it then drop it. It is harder to get back into it than dropping it.