Is IB Film hard?

Does anyone know what I should expect in terms of difficulty and curriculum for IB Film, especially because they changed the IB exam this year? (No more oral presentation, now it’s written)

I took SL Film this past year, and it’s not that bad if you’re arts-oriented… but I am not, so I got a low 4 despite thinking I was doing pretty well, lol. It’s just a bunch of vocabulary memorization and film analysis. Also, you will have to create your own mini-film (and then analyze THAT) and script a mini-documentary about 2 films (more if you’re doing HL), which is where a lot of the artsy-ness comes in. The oral presentation was just a lot of analysis with a bit of film theory thrown in, so I’d say that was the easiest part, and now it’ll be even easier (for most people, probably?) since it’s written.

All things considered, if you need an arts credit but you’re not artsy, film will still probably be easier than IB Art, Music, Theatre, etc. (none of which I took, of course, but I’ve heard that Music and Theatre are especially hard, fwiw)

I already have my arts credit. My school only has HL IB Film, no SL available. Would I be better off just taking IB Philosophy SL maybe? I am not good at history, though…

Philosophy wasn’t offered at my school so I honestly don’t know anything about it :frowning: I recommend just taking whatever you’re most interested in!

Thanks for your responses! To be honest, I don’t really know what I’m interested in lol! I just want to be able to do well enough in a subject and keep up my GPA

@Chips99 I am actually not sure anymore if the new IB Film exam is written now, or just has an added component. Do you know anything about the updated exam?

Nope, I was just going with what you said lol. But this link seems to indicate that it hasn’t changed…? (that or the website just hasn’t been updated yet):

@Chips99 Yeah I noticed that as well! I guess that I maybe thought wrong.