Is IB Math Studies enough for Comp Sci or Animation degree?

My 10th grader is interested in both Animation and Comp Sci. However I am concerned about the level of math required to get in and successfully complete a Comp Sci degree. Her grades in math have been B+s (with a lot of work), each year, always 1 or 2 points in keeping her from straight A’s. She’s going into IB next year, and I’m encouraging her to take Math Studies, since it’s not her strongest subject. Will that hinder her in the application process?

Computer science in college requires a lot of math (Calc 1, 2, and 3). If she wants to do computer science, she should take Math HL. In my school, math studies SL is seen as a joke class (I don’t say that to be mean, it’s true). At the very least she should take Math SL, but really Math HL is ideal. The first year of math HL is Calc 1 and 2. She could take math SL (not studies) junior year, then math HL senior year. As a computer science major, it would be extremely beneficial to take at least the first year of math HL. Math SL also covers a few of the basics of Calc 1, so it would be a good idea to take it junior year, and then math HL senior year.

Short answer: yes. Regardless of intended major, elite schools would MUCH rather see a student attempt more difficult subjects as opposed to getting straight As with easier coursework. Speaking from personal experience, I did fine with HL math even though it was in no way my strongest subject. Also, if your student is aiming for animation/comp sci, that will involve a lot of math… if she’s not prepared to take difficult math classes in HS she should maybe reconsider those potential majors.

In my experience SL would be much preferred to studies. A comp sci major will have to take Calc 1, 2, discrete math, and (maybe) linear algebra. Studies will not prepare your child as well for those classes as math SL.
HL isn’t required - and since you say that math is not your child’s strongest subject I wouldn’t recommend it.

IB parent here: I had similar concerns for my D but when she chose her IB classes for Jr. year I kind of backed down and let her choose. At her school it’s either HL math or math studies.

Now she is at the end of the year and has a 100 average straight up through the year in math studies. While I don’t think it has been a blow off class, I do feel it has not been challenging to her really. I would compare it to a high level statistics course with pre cal at the very end.

She has decided she wants to do engineering and now realizes she needs calculus. At the very least maybe let your D take math studies AND pre-cal?? If summer wasn

As a comp sci IB parent having now gone through the college process with my student, there is no way to take Math Studies and go into comp sci. some colleges don’t even recognize math studies… your daughter has to take at least SL and get a tutor if need be.

She should try Math SL, not Math Studies. She doesn’t need Math HL (it’s very advanced), but she’d need Math SL in order to start in Calculus 1 for a CS/Animation major in college.
Math Studies is good for studens who will go into majors that don’t require calculus or no math at all. It’s really interesting, well thought-out, and ensures all students, even if they struggle with math, understand how math rules various areas of the “real world”.