is sat math 2 test too easy ?

Hello everyone.

i was studying for the next sat math 2 and test my self on Barron’s book tests. my score is around 710

However, i used the 3PBC test in this link which people say it is realistic and accurate to the real test

the questions were too easy I was laughing, so much easier that I doubled check every answer because I felt like there is a sneaky tricky question. and i got 800 and finished in 48 min.

But, when i saw “percentage of students answering the question correctly” for each question, some of them were just pluging some numbers into the calculator like question 49 but got low percentage.

does that mean that old sat math 2 tests are not realistic due to the popularity of now advanced calculators?
or it is just that barrons tests are much harder than the real tests ( i know that but i dont think that they are 90 different from the real test)