Is it a good idea to take PHYS 208, PHYS 218, and MATH 152 in the same semester (freshman)?

This is referring to my spring semester. This semester I’m taking MATH 151, CHEM 107, CHEM 117, ENGR 111, and POLS 207. Should I switch some of this semester’s courses with next semester’s?

Short answer, no. Talk to your advisor.

Taking both Physics classes in the same semester would not be a good idea. I am actually surprised an advisor would let you do that, unless you are planning to take Phys 208 next summer, by itself. Then it might work.

Take PHYS 208 over the summer at a local CC. I’ve heard of some who take it during the semester, but at Blinn.

I actually thought Physic 218 was a prerequisite for 208. I don’t think you can take both in the same semester. Even if you could my son says it would be suicidal.