Is it bad if I made a typo in an email to Northeastern University?

I sent an email to my regional admissions counselor for Northeastern University asking him if I could call him and ask some questions about Northeastern. However, in the email, I accidentally wrote American University instead of Northeastern! Immediately after, I sent a follow up email that corrected the typo. Will this reflect poorly on my application?

Probably not. The AC will probably think you’re corresponding with several universities and made an honest mistake. If you’re serious about Northeastern, let the counselor know that in your future emails just to be sure.

Well, that can’t be as bad as including an entire email chain of back and forth with mom about how to reply to an inquiry regarding graduate school.

Sometimes, you’ve just got to let things go.

If you send important emails after 10 pm, you are bound to make mistakes. You can write drafts and review quickly in the morning, then send.

Admission officers tell stories every year about letters, essays they receive like that. It isn’t ideal but I certainly don’t think they will turn down your application for that mistake. Admissions officers do know that you will be applying to multiple schools. However, I would caution you to be more careful about proofreading your emails, essays etc. moving forward.

Not worries Northeastern is too an American University
