Is it bad that I have to take remedial math(community college)?

I have to take 4 modules this semester and 4 modules next semester in Math. Its always been my weakest subject. I graduated high school about 2 years ago and did work that required no math skills. Got tired of working in factories so I decided to get an education… I knew this stuff on the test, I just forgot how to do it.

I know what I want to major in and I know what university I want to transfer to. I can knock out all of my other requirements while working my way up to that one math credit that I need for my major. I know I can do this.

No, it’s not bad at all! I don’t really think there is any way it could hinder you, unless the university you applied to is super snooty and has something against remedial classes. And NO job you apply for will care that you took remedial. If anything, it shows that you are taking initiative, since you are doing what is necessary to get where you need to be.

I have a friend who took a couple of semesters of remedial math, and is currently doing very well in a rigorous science major at her school.

Most of the people in my community college test into a fairly low math level. In fact, this really smart Asian dude even stated that he personally knows not a single person that managed to test straight into calculus. I was placed into “college algebra” which is the highest level of the remedial math classes one needs to take before enrolling in either calculus 1 or statistics at my CC. I did not like this and was able to contest it with the chair of the math department as he was impressed with all of my programming courses. Turns out it was a pretty bad idea. I did terribly most of the semester (getting low C’s and even a D or two on exams). I luckily managed to save myself and get a low B (my CC doesn’t use +/- and it was a good thing because I only had like an 80%). I regretted trying to cheat my way out of the lower class because I desperately could have used the refresher. The last math course that I had taken was trig in high school, but after dropping out, I got really rusty. I see no shame in taking remedial math as a lot of math is built on having a strong foundation of basic mathematical concepts.

Happykid struggled with math for four years in HS, and had to complete two semesters of remedial math at her CC, before taking the math course needed for transfer. She felt that she had better instruction, and that she really learned the material.

As others have written above, having a solid foundation in math makes all the difference.