Is it better to attend lower tier UCs or community college after graduating high school?

Currently, I’m a junior and I messed up my GPA by getting an F in AP language, D in AP chemistry, and D in Algebra 2. Should I even consider applying to any UCs or should I just go to community then transfer? I have so many regrets for my junior year so far.

Are you planning to retake any of these classes this summer (especially English) since you need 4 years of English to even apply to the UC’s?

not enough info to offer much meaningful guidance. My recommendation would be - as long as you have completed the A-G courses with passing grades - apply to a couple of the UCs and several CSUs - including 2 non-impacted campuses (SF and East Bay perhaps) and your local campus. That way, there will be several doors open to you when the time comes. If you are accepted to all of them, you can still attend a CC if you want.

In the mean time, take campus tours of your the schools you are thinking of applying to.

good luck.

I do plan on retaking an English class. If I get a decent grade in that course, would I still be able to qualify for any UC?
My GPA at the moment is around 3.6 weighted. I haven’t taken the SAT yet, but I will in April. As for extra curricular activities, I have 2 leadership positions, and in 4 clubs. I feel like EC wise, I have a pretty substantial amount.
I know that with my current GPA, I won’t get accepted after high school, so I wanted to attend CC for a year or two then transfer to UCSD, but I’m really unsure…

If you retake the English class and retake the Algebra 2 class, both are required to apply to a UC, you could apply but if you do not have a repeat grade for all these classes by application time, your GPA may not get you into any UC except for maybe UC Merced. If you attend a community college and do well, then you could have more UC options. UC’s only take Junior level transfers so plan to stay at least 2 years at your CC. Also there is TAG (Transfer Guarantee admission) for UCM/UCR/UCSC//UCD/UCI and UCSB (some majors excluded for UCI and UCSB). If you take the required TAG courses and maintain a specific GPA, you are guaranteed admission. Unfortunately UCSD does not participate in TAG.