Is It Better To Be Academically Well-Rounded Or Lopsided?

<p>I have overall good grades in each class or subject I take, but the problem is the only APs I have taken and will be taking will be in history/government. </p>

<p>Is only having depth in history/government a bad thing? Should I call my GC to ask if I change my senior schedule or should I just deal with it?</p>

<p>Well rounded, I was at and informational meeting for michigan, yes I know not t20 but still they said “We don’t want you majoring in highschool, thats for college”</p>

<p>If you plan on majoring in LA’s it’s not such a bad thing if you feel this is going to show you at your academic strong points. If you are planning on engineering/science you may need to rethink. If you are looking at LA’s would you feel comfortable adding in English Lit? At least that way you would have more of your humanities covered. Some kids just are not math/science and it doesn’t do well to kill a gpa to add an AP. Your current teachers, as well as your GC, can help you judge that.</p>

<p>This is completely anecdotal - when our older kids were in HS, many of those who we thought “knews the ways of the world” in college applications indicated that kid had to be well rounded to do well in top institutions. Now I hear from a similar crowd that extreme passion in an area trump well-roundedness in one student; the college, we’re told will try to make itself well rounded by getting a kids with passions in different areas.</p>

<p>By and large, most have told us that you are rewarded for taking the “hardest track” that’s available.</p>

<p>“Colleges” do not care one way or another; some colleges prefer specialists; some generalists.</p>

<p>All will accept either kind.</p>

<p>To thine own self be true.</p>

<p>If you enjoy specializing , and that is where your strengths are, do that with your whole heart.</p>

<p>If you enjoy many things, and that is where your strength is, do that with your whole heart.</p>

<p>Take the classes as a senior that YOU want to take; be you and let the colleges accept you.</p>

<p>If we’re talking top colleges, the trick is to be academically well rounded and have an extreme, lopsided EC.</p>

<p>I would make sure you take general coursework in every subject available, like science; math; etc, but only really take advanced/AP courses in subjects you’re good at.</p>

<p>^^Redroses has it right imo :)</p>

<p>The top colleges get plenty of applicants that are academically well-rounded, but also demonstrate outside excellence in focused areas.</p>

<p>I do have honors classes in French and English. It’s just that I have APs only in history/government.</p>