<p>just wondering</p>
<p>i think its better to write as u are. if ur funny go for it, but if your not you will sound like a fool.</p>
<p>Yeah, if you can pull it off all the while sounding smart and resourceful, then definitely go for it. However it’s a risky choice because you might just come off as weird and awkward.</p>
<p>my common app essay was humorous to a degree. It was essentially a story and what i learned from it, and I figured, I can’t really just take the humor out. So I just left it like it was, everyone who read it laughed out loud when the read it. I’m hoping it’ll make me memorable haha. I don’t expect anyone will read two essays on chitlins.</p>
<p>I was voted funniest senior, and I wrote an entire satirical article for a Tufts essay. I just hope my humor carries over to adults.</p>
<p>I used humor, but wasn’t overly dependent except in my Pomona essay. I think it helps you stand out</p>
<p>Intelligent humor = win.</p>
<p>It’s best to write your essays in your own voice; imagine writing an essay as if you were writing in a journal. If you can crack a few jokes without sounding forced (or entering realms of bad taste), go for it; everyone else will likely be talking about their studying abroad experience or some kind of struggle.</p>
<p>My teacher always told us, “Don’t try to be funny if you’re not funny.” It is a risk that can certainly pay off, but it may come off as awkward or even arrogant if not done correctly. If you can be witty and funny, definitely go for it, but don’t forget to have some other people look over it, too.</p>
<p>I think if you have to over think it and check to see if it “works” then you shouldn’t do it. Essays are supposed to really reflect you, and they’re going to come off in the best way if you’re actually being yourself. If you’re funny, do it. If not, don’t be.</p>
<p>My common app essay was about how I can’t dance and how the weird way I dance parallels the way I live my life. I thought it was quirky and funny - I just hope it reads that way to adults, too.</p>
<p>You can try- but if you find your self having a hard time you should probably stop. Many people try to be witty and funny but they end up with an entire page of cliches that are bearable at best.</p>
<p>You shouldn’t try to be the actual laughing-out-loud kind of funny unless you’re a very good writer and really know what you’re doing, because it’s way too easy to fall flat and just sound stupid instead of comedic. If you can relate to a humorous story about your life or something, though, I’m sure that’s good. Likewise, if you can just try to write in a way that lets your personality shine through, that’s really best - it doesn’t have to be funny, even, but if you write a robot essay about how you overcame a bad start in english class one year and how you did community service once, it’s just going to bore the hell out of whoever reads it. Use your voice, write about something that makes you unique, and make sure your first sentence isn’t something like “I would be a great fit for [name of college].”</p>
<p>i think it’s easier to write about a funny, unique topic, rather than writing about a normal story and trying to insert jokes and funny comments here and there. You should find a unique, funny, memorable topic and just detail the experience as closely as possible. The topic will make the reader laugh by itself.</p>
<p>“Humerous” is a bone. But I was humorous in my essay, and it seems to be working so far. : )</p>
<p>^ Actually, “Humerus” is a bone, lol </p>
<p>“Humerous” isn’t a word, and “humorous” is an adjective for funny ;)</p>
<p>[Humerus</a> (bone in arm).](<a href=“http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Humerus]Humerus”>Humerus - Wikipedia)</p>
<p>^ FTW
<p>If you can pull it off, using humor is definitely good and will help. if you decide to try it, reread your essay after you write it and try to have an outsider’s point of view. if you laugh out loud, you can probably use it. if you think it might be a stretch, then it won’t be seen as funny and you’ll look like an idiot.</p>
<p>have other people read it too if you can</p>
<p>Only if it represents who you are.</p>