<p>I just learned in my junior year that the three best high schools in our area are actually some of the best in the country (in the top 30's). (Newport High School, International School at Bellevue, and Interlake High School)</p>
<p>I'm literally a few miles away from them. I feel so much regret.</p>
<p>It’s not like colleges can penalize you for not going to a prestigious school. I think the assumption would be that you didn’t have the money or something.
If you did go to a prestigious school, it would be harder to stand out and have a high class rank/GPA, and you wouldn’t get to pretend that your opportunities were limited by what your school offered.</p>
<p>^ hahaha… agreed. 
This is an amazing way to look at it, and it makes so much sense too! LOL</p>
<p>There’s only one ranked high shool ij my town and there pretty high up. Do I feel like I’m missing something? Nope. It’s high shool. There isn’t that much that you’re missing out on. Trust me.</p>
<p>There’s a lot of discussion about this on the Prep School’s section, it’s worth a look.</p>
<p>Personally I think it is worth it. Although colleges won’t directly penalise you for not, you likely won’t get as many opportunities, as good teaching or as much help with college apps.</p>