Is it difficult to find a job as an RN?

I currently live in California, and after college, I think I would like to live and work as a nurse in CA. However, I have been accepted to a couple of out of state schools and now I am wondering whether it is difficult to move back after college and find a job. I know that there is still a major nursing shortage in the US and the growth rate of the profession is far above the national average, but if I were to go to school out of state, would it be harder for me to get work as a new grad because I didn’t do clinical rotations in the area?

A large number of RNs in California are immigrants because there is a shortage of US-trained RNs. While it is desirable to get hired where you have done clinicals because you will know what the work will be like in that facility, it is not necessary. The RN exam is good for every state. There is just some paperwork to transfer a license from one state to another.

Everyone I know who has gone for nursing has found work.

My D’s best friend from college is now working in California. She attended school in NY. After graduation, she signed with an agency that represents travel nurses and worked in a few states before accepting an assignment in Cali. Although she planned to move on after about 6 months, she met a guy and decided to stay.

@Charliesch @techmom99 Thank you both for the insight. I suppose I was just having a dilemma over something that wouldn’t be that big of a deal in the long run!