Is it easier to get into UCSD and UCD undeclared and then switch into CS if accepted?

UC GPA: 3.72
CA resident and my high school doesn’t rank

Switching into CS at UCSD is extremely difficult and is now done by lottery so no guarantees. UCD would be a slightly easier switch but also not a guarantee.

You have a solid SAT score and you would probably have a good chance at UC Santa Cruz or Riverside for a direct admit. Also as I have mentioned before with your GPA and SAT score, you would be competitive for many of the Cal States.

I would definitely apply widely to the UC and CSU system and then see where you end up getting accepted.

You aren’t the first person to think of this. I would guess the complexity is slightly greater at UCSD but, that’s a guess.

Please don’t take this as rude but, it won’t matter. With a 3.72 UCGPA there really isn’t a major you can select that will make your admission to either of these schools likely.

I am not suggesting you not apply. I don’t play a role in UC admission so my opinion is just that - and people with your stats do make it into both of these schools. Just understand they are unlikely.


UCR and SDSU will be a coin toss but, certainly worth applications.

For CS, I would point you to UCM CSULB, CPP, and perhaps Fullerton, Sac and Chico as very solid CS programs that are very likely to admit you.

Cast a wide net - and good luck.

what about Cal Poly SLO

The CS admit rate for Cal Poly SLO is around 6%. Tougher than the majority of the UC’s. You are looking at an average of 4.21 GPA and 1481 SAT score for the College of Engineering and you can guarantee that the CS stats are higher than the average for the College of Engineering.

Also SLO does not accept Undeclared and trying to switch into CS/SE will be virtually impossible unless you are admitted into the Engineering college in the first place. SLO will allow major changes but one criteria is that you have to meet the admission threshold as a Freshman applicant in the first place so this avoids backdooring your way into a more competitive by initially applying for a less competitive major.

There is nothing wrong with UCR, UC Santa Cruz and the many Cal states for CS. Like I stated on your other thread, my younger son went to SDSU and landed a good paying job after graduating this past May as a Cybersecurity analyst.

Cal Poly Pomona, Cal State Fullerton, Cal State Long Beach and possibly San Diego State will all be good options for CS and you have a decent chance for an acceptance. You have to remember that employers are more interested in what job skill set you can bring rather than the name of the Diploma.

Again, I advise you to apply widely and you should have some good options in the end.

Agree - CPSLO is really unlikely.

Here’s the freshman profile

apply broadly.

Your UC GPA given your test score won’t get you into the top 6 UCs or CPSLO. SJSU has a good CS program but your CSU index probably will be low there too unless you’re in Santa Clara County. Your best bet is the lower UCs or other CSUs.