Is it easier to get into VT if you apply undecided?

I am a bit confused as to how VT actually goes about accepting their students. If say, you were to get rejected from the engineering school, and that’s the only major you applied for, would admissions still consider putting you in university studies, or would you just get flat out rejected?

I believe for “restricted” majors, like Engineering, they ask on the application for your 2nd choice. Are you saying you applied Engineering and did not select a 2nd choice? If this this the case, they may potentially still offer you another major. This is probably a question you should ask admissions so if possible they could add a 2nd choice to your application. Give them a call.

It depends. I feel like undecided is in the middle. If you’re applying for a major like engineering, undecided is much easier but if you’re applying for a major like a language or the arts, you might have better luck there.

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I changed my major for my application from undecided to animal and poultry science and sent a second and third choice in the application Change and got a reply saying that my major choice wasn’t limited so they wouldn’t need my backup choices.

If you applied Engineering you would not have been able to submit the application without a 2nd choice. That is the case for a few of the majors there. If the major isn’t limited, you won’t need a second choice. If you are accepted you are accepted to that major and those programs aren’t in as high demand so they would not say we really want you but don’t have room for you in the program.

But to answer your question is undecided easier, it is easier if your first choice is a limited major. Easier to get in to University Studies than Engineering or Architecture but not easier if the major is not limited.

@daylightskies so does that mean you are basically guaranteed to get in since your major isn’t limited?

@hokie1531 - No that doesn’t mean you are guaranteed to get in. The school still has an overall target number of students it wants to enroll.

@hokie1531 @123Mom456 If you’re scores aren’t good enough, they won’t admit you no matter what your major is. If a major isn’t limited, it just means that there’s not a limited amount of slots in the department. So as long as you get in the school, you’re in the major. But you do have to get in the school first which isn’t guaranteed. Hope that makes sense!