Is it good or bad to be on UC waitlists this year?

I have been placed on UCI’s waitlist and am wondering if it is good or bad to be placed on the waitlist this year based on the UC budget crisis. Does anyone have any news on the waitlist?


Waitlist is not good but is not bad. You have slightly chance to be admitted. UC’s got really competitive this year. You will receive an answer soon.

I’d vote bad -

It is a long-shot so, you need to aggressively pursue plan B. That means housing deposits, admitted student days, and possibly even registering for classes at another school.

Then in the middle of Summer, they may give you a slot. It may come with a take it or leave it housing offer - or, you may be on your own for room and board - Many freshman classes will be full and you won’t have much time to respond. Taking the offer will force you to loose whatever deposits you put down at your plan B school.

All the while, you are on pins and needles hoping they come through and not psychologically committing to another school (getting the sweat-shirt, joining the facebook page, etc).

If it works out, you get to go to UCI.

Hopefully, you have an appealing alternate.

Good luck

Waitlists are never “good” but they feel better than rejections. I mean, good is getting accepted outright. If the budget works out, then the UC’s could be admitting larger quantities of wait-listed students than usual but that is a big IF and even then, there are way more kids on the wait-list than they will be able to take.

Ir’s find to accept the wait-list position but I’d also encourage you to let go of the school once you’ve done that and start preparing for your alternative.

Yeah, start thinking for the other options. once you receive something from UCI then you will see. btw, I never said it was good. But it’s better than a rejection IMO since you have a little bit of hope.

Since the UC’s are in a budget crisis and they have a seperate stack of applications for those who can pay the full price without financial aid AND are OOS, it is normal. Someone else with lower stats that can pay OOS is more appealing to them thant someone from CA with straight A’s but needs financial aid. It’s the cold truth but that is the UC system for you. In no means are they bad schools, they are most certainly great, its just that the money is a factor.

Waaaah. Politics and waitlists.