<p>I'm a senior in high school and I'm considering finishing 60 units in one year at a community college next year so that I can transfer out within that time to UC's. </p>
<p>How hard is this exactly? Especially if I have to balance out with a part-time job?
According to a semester system CC, how would I spread out the number of classes for each season? I passed the AP Psychology exam with a 4 my junior year so how many college credits does that count for?</p>
<p>There is no way to do 60 units in one year. I would say the maximum would be 35-38 in one year and that’s hard. At my cc, the maximum amount of units you can take per semester is 16. So 16 X 2 is 32 and then a few classes in the summer and intersession would stretch it to 35-38. Good luck working part time on top of that too…</p>
<p>The max I’ve done in 1 year was 34 units and I was not working.</p>
<p>It will be near impossible to do 60 units in one year.
You will have to enroll in two CCs and load up at both to complete such a task. It is not worth it to try and cram that many units just to get out in one year. You risk the chance of having overlapping exams/essays/classes that may prove to be too much. </p>
<p>However, you may want to look at universities that accept transfer students after one year (30 credits). They may or may not put an emphasis on your high school record when doing so. </p>
<p>An example would be USC in Southern California. [Transfer</a> Students - USC Undergraduate Admission](<a href=“http://www.usc.edu/admission/undergraduate/apply/transfer.html]Transfer”>http://www.usc.edu/admission/undergraduate/apply/transfer.html)
Start early and try to get 30 semester units, and they will NOT look at your high school record. In progress work counts towards the 30 units.</p>
<p>I took 31 credits last semester, and 28 this semester which brings me in at 59 credits for the year. My 2 cents is that it depends on the classes.</p>
<p>Last semester I had a lot of classes that tied in to each other, this semester I have a heavy science load, chem, anatomy & phys, stats, biochem. It is much more challenging this semester though last semester I was relaxed and almost carefree. </p>
<p>Also, adding to this semesters stress is the application and admissions process. I overlooked how stressed I would be, it’s worth considering. I applied to 9 schools, 6 ivies, 1 close to ivies, and 1 high ranked LAC, and it was very stressful. Interviews, credentials check, catered essays to each school. I should have taken less this semester, but I got honors last semester, I am graduating with high honors this semester, and I am fairly certain I will finish with only one B this semester… Anatomy…</p>
<p>It’s possible. I know someone here at my university who’s taking 26 credits this semester.</p>
<p>Its not as hard as everyone is making it out to be. I am doing 25 units this semester and so far its been a breeze. I am taking seven classes. I have enough time to devote to each class, but if you are going to try and do 60 in one year, I would suggest finding a way not to work. A part time job just will make you stumble. There are grants available and other means of income like federal aid. </p>
<p>As mentioned earlier the admissions process is stressful and frustrating so that needs to be taken into account.</p>
<p>At my CC you are allowed to take as my units as you want as long as you discuss with a councilor what your plan is and show that you can handle it.</p>
<p>Why is 20 in the fall, 25 in the spring (once you got the hang of it), and 15 in the summer not possible.
In the summer take your lab class and some of the lesser meaningful classes. Try to knock out your math and english classes first to get them over with.</p>
<p>Hope this helps.</p>
<p>possible, but stressful.</p>
<p>id recommend avoiding it unless you know how to manage your time REALLY well. if you know you wont do well taking that many units, dont jeopardize your chances of transferring just so you can get out faster and then you end up not transferring at all because your GPA went down the poop can.</p>
<p>^ what kinda bike do you ride ? :p</p>
<p>YOu will have to see what restrictions your local community college places on you. However, you can also take CLEP exams for additional credits. Just make sure that your end point college will accept the CLEP credit.</p>
<p>@andrewexd haha i used to ride a r6, but sold it cuz some hs kid crashed into my car and totalled it. so i needed cash for a car. unfortunately car has a bigger priority :(</p>
<p>but soon!</p>
<p>oh damn that sucks
I ride a gsxr600 atm…</p>