Is it hard to take 19 credits per semester

I might be taking 19 credits this semester. I took 16 last semester with gen eds. My major is neuroscience.

My classes:
Orgo 1 (3 credits)
Calc 2 (3 credits)
Genetics ( 3 credits)
Italian 1 (3 credits)
Forensic Psychology (3 credits)
Sociology 100 (4 credits)

That looks like a tough schedule to me, especially with orgo.


It is more important to understand the material and do well in a class than to race through or load up…

Are you confident in your ability to keep up with so many classes?

What did you take last semester?
Since it is your first Organic Chem class, I would ease up on your schedule and drop one class until you can determine how well you understand Orgo.


That schedule looks tough. Orgo especially will take up more than twice its’ share of credits in time

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Organic chemistry with lab will tend to be significantly more work / time than non-lab courses, since the lab is almost like another course in time spent (have to do pre-lab, go to lab, and do a lab writeup, analogous to doing reading, going to lecture/discussion, and doing assignments for the non-lab part of the course).


Organic Chemistry can be tough.
Calc can be tough.
Learning a language can be tough.


Is there some reason you need to overload? If not…defer something to a later term. Organic chemistry is a time sucking course.

One daughter referred to Organic Chemistry as the most difficult B- that she ever had in her life.

How difficult Calculus 2 is will depend upon how well prepared you are for it. If you had solid A+ grades with no effort in the prerequisites and in Calculus 1, then it should not be too bad. If you struggled in any of the prerequisites or in Calculus 1 then Calculus 2 will just be more difficult still.

Different students may similarly vary in terms of how difficult it is to start learning a foreign language. Personally I found this to be tough.

To me this looks like a lot. I would be highly tempted to drop one course. Which one will depend upon what you want to do.

Good morning

In Fall 2021 I’ve taken 20 credit hours

Linear Algebra
Physics 2
General Chemistry 1
Calculus 3
Differential Equations

And managed to pass but it will a lot of work and staying up 18 hours a day. If you can handle the workload and multitask easily go for it, a heavy load will speed up the degree process.


I respectfully disagree with the advice in the post above mine. Working 18 hours/day for an entire semester is a recipe for both mental and physical breakdown, and burnout.

Typically a student will take no more than 5 courses/semester. I echo the sentiments that o chem and calc 2 will be a lot of work. I would put off genetics to another semester.


Don’t do it. Can’t tell you how many posts we’ve seen on this forum from students who load up on too many courses and it never seems to work out well. Especially not with organic chem on the schedule.