Is it impressive to get in OOS wise?

<p>Yeah, so I'm from the Midwest and got in the spring 2010 term. I know that UF has a 5% acceptance rate for OOS kids, which is me. Would getting in be "impressive"? Becaues I applied to some other highly rated schools, but if I can't get into UF, I don't know about my chances there...</p>

<p>I highly doubt the acceptance rate for OOS isn’t 5%, that’s lower than Harvard…</p>

<p>Even other top public schools don’t have such low acceptance rate for OOS, like UVA, UNC-CH, UC-Berkeley.</p>

<p>But even still, it is an accomplishment to get in OOS especially in this admission cycle! Congrats bro and I bet you’re gonna have a lot of great options to choose from!</p>

<p>on collegeboard it says 5% OOS. but yeah, thanks again rockerguy!</p>

<p>Well if you got in spring term, then your in not if you get in?? But getting in is impressive as it is, everyone knows UF is one tough university in the admissions department. Some may get in easily while others may get a review more than once. But with your other colleges, good luck, many universities (popular ones) are limiting the incoming freshman admits.</p>

<p>Of course it would be lower than Harvard.</p>

<p>Harvard is a private school that tons of highly qualified OOS students apply to…</p>

<p>Harvard is a private school…They don’t distinguish between out-of-state and in-state</p>

<p>yes and thats why their OOS acceptance rate is higher than UF’s. UF distinguishes, and is required to admit a certain amount of IN-state students.</p>

<p>That 5% is the number of kids at UF from out of state. That’s much different than an acceptance rate.</p>

<p>so all in all, is getting in oos impressive?</p>

<p>what were your stats boss529? i was rejected OOS :/</p>

<p>it may be slightly more impressive than in state… but not really by much at all.</p>

<p>and no the acceptance rate for OOS is more like 30%. the only reason 5% of the incoming freshman are OOS is because alot less OOSs are applying compared to Florida residents, and the OOS tuition is way way higher.</p>

<p>[ul]Schools I’ve heard of people getting into, and getting rejected from UF OOS:[/ul]</p>

-Boston College

<p>UF OOS is VERY impressive. I’ve read they only accept around 300 OOS people.</p>

<p>rsc, that makes me feel a little better. ha ha. my stats were: </p>

<p>-from indiana
-3.6 UW 3.9 W GPA (not sure what UF’s gpa was)
-660 M, 630 CR, 740 W=2030 SAT
-had legacy
-editor in chief of school newspaper
-managed own business for 6 years
-varsity track and field</p>

<p>that’s the basic 101 rundown of my stats</p>

<p>I’ve heard that if ur UF GPA isn’t at 4.0+, you basically have no shot. That killed me too</p>

<p>everyone has a shot, it’s just depends on what are the circumstances each student has, are the students well rounded, did they interact in any programs with uf, or do they have an good bond with someone on the admission committe, who perhaps put them on the radar to evaluate more and grant their wish. and owning your own business, could tell the uf admissions that perhaps you are well rounded, and won’t be totally lost without your parents guide.</p>