<p>Parent should not contact. Professors are used to dealing with adults (students in college) and it would be awkward to have a parent inquire. After all, professor doesn’t know you are the parent (you could be nosy neighbor or non-legal guardian).</p>
<p>Student could ask - but she should get used to waiting. You wait to find out your grades, you wait to hear back on job applications, you wait for bosses to make decisions, you spend a lot of time in life waiting for people to make decisions. It is part of life and now is a good time to get used to.</p>
<p>I work with people who use "M’ for thousand - it’s based on the Roman numeral M representing a thousand, as in MMX being 2010. It does get confusing, especially since we work with both thousands and millions.</p>
<p>Parent should definitely not contact. Student can send a thank you note, but I wouldn’t have her contact either. She should have asked when decisions would be made while she was in the interview. If not, she has to be patient, even if it is killing her, and wait and see.</p>
<p>^^^ Yes, it does get confusing. Back n business school there was 1 professor who used “M” for thousand, but every other professor used “K.” Drove everyone nuts.</p>
<p>AS for the original question – no, a parent should not contact the professor.</p>
<p>Ha ha, I WISH it were 15MM! I went to school (finance) in the 80s- and it was M back then, not K.<br>
Thanks for the advice. I knew it was inappropriate, I suppose that’s why I asked! :)</p>