<p>I'm taking Dynamics this semester and I'm kinda struggling. I literally cruised through Statics and Stress Analysis. Despite studying 4/5 hrs everyday I have a quiz avg of 10.33/15 on my weekly quizes. Given the avg is around 9 but after studying 4/5 hours everyday I feel like my score is low. Also I feel like I'm only learning how to solve specific problems. Does it mean I'm gonna make a bad Mechanical Engineer? Do ppl feel like this in general? Few of my friends are scoring 12/13 on their quizzes in general. Does it mean I'll have a hard time getting an Engineering job upon graduation?</p>
<p>My best study advice for any class is find those stronger students and ask them questions or form a study group. Just make sure you take time to do things on your own since you can’t lean on them for an exam. </p>
<p>One tip I learned in graduate school which is literally a life saver in some classes. I would recopy and condense my notes down after each lecture. That way I had exactly what I needed to study, plus I’m a bit OCD about how my notes look. It’s a good way to review what you just learned and see weaknesses.</p>
<p>In terms of your specific case, I hated dynamics and breezed through statics. I’m assuming you are most likely a sophomore? Maybe you just don’t have a taste or the right mindset for the “Dry” side of engineering. I knew after dynamics and machine design it wasn’t for me. I found that Heat and Fluids was my strong suite. Mechanical Engineering is so broad that one class won’t make you a bad engineer or kill your job chances. I wouldn’t pull your hair out over it, it’s a tough major that most “normal” people struggle with from time to time.</p>
<p>Besides my clinics and projects, all of Undergrad engineering is solving specific problems. I really didn’t start thinking “outside the box” till graduate school, so that’s a common issue I hear a lot from undergrads.</p>
<p>True for life advice, don’t compare to your friends too much. I used to go crazy with that thinking I never measured up. Now a few of the top students from my class don’t have jobs or in positions they hate, and this mediocre student(undergrad 2.9) is in Grad school loving it.</p>