Is it normal to feel regret after choosing a college?

<p>When I got my letters, I knew I would spending a month deciding between my two top choices. After flip-flopping for a month and never really deciding, I filled out the decision forms the day they were due with my first choice at the moment. I'm beginning to wonder if that was really the correct choice to make. Arghhhh... is this normal?</p>

<p>Yes. Don't worry about it.</p>

<p>Sounds like you had two great choices. You can only choose one. Likely either would have been great for you. So... you are experiencing buyer's remorse. It is normal. Take 2 m&m's and call your friendly CC Parent Forum folks in the morning :).</p>

<p>Yes, it's normal. People underestimate how tough it is to have good choices whether it's a job or a school. You are always left wondering about the road you didn't take. It will get easier once you are there and hooked in.</p>

<p>(I'm not a parent, but I can very much relate)
The problem with having multiple good choices is that you can only go to one school. I regretted my decision for the entire summer before I got to school, but after just a few months I knew I couldn't picture myself anywhere else. In my case, I chose the school with the 'lesser' name recognition. So, occassionally I'm asked why I chose here over XYZ college, and I can't fully articulate it, so I still feel regret sometimes. It's something you have to learn to live with I guess. The way I think about it... if the choices were so evenly matched, it probably wasn't a life-altering decision, at least in terms of future "success".</p>


<p>Absolutely. No matter how you picked, you'd probably feel this. Relax!</p>

<p>Friend's kid cried for two days with buyers remorse after choosing Yale, over a non Ivy alternative. Now is happy as can be.</p>

<p>In my opinion, it's normal to feel regret after making any choice between two good alternatives. </p>

<p>Even though you have made a sound decision, it is natural to mourn the path not taken. After all, it would have been a pretty good choice, too. </p>

<p>But you can't have both, right? </p>

<p>I think you'll be fine once you get past this and start focusing on the college you will attend -- which will happen as soon as you get involved in paperwork, choosing housing, planning for orientation, etc.</p>

<p>I had a very tough time choosing between several colleges, and regret was one of the many emotions that I felt after making my choice. All I can tell you is that for 90 percent of the people I know, once you go to college for the first week all of this regret will disappear. Very few people would go back and choose a different university, and it's usually because of financial reasons or a particularly horrendous experience.</p>

<p>Hmmm, the Hot Fudge Sundae or the Banana Split? It would be abnormal NOT to feel some regret foregoing one or the other. Please don't worrry about this.</p>

<p>Yes, it is perfectly normal. Also remember that if you are unhappy after attending you can always transfer. Your decision is not etched in stone. Good luck!</p>