<p>i know that this seems to be a pretty stupid question
but i forgot to send my ap scores..
i used the rush service today for the ones that i took this year
but i gotta wait until tmrw to send the scores from previous years (due to office hours)
but the deadline is the 15th and i doubt that the school will receive it by then....</p>
<p>so...is it ok if i send my ap scores late??</p>
<p>I’m think it’s the date you send it by, not the date they receive it, so you might be fine. But from what I hear, they’re pretty strict about their deadlines!</p>
<p>"Confirm that all AP exam scores of 3 or higher have been sent to UC Berkeley by July 15th. "</p>
<p>umm i’m not so sure how to interpret this…but i do hope that ^you are right
o goddd</p>
<p>I put mine down, but they’re still not received so I’m not sure if I should send them or not still. Also, I haven’t even called AP yet to get it, last I heard they weren’t available yet</p>
<p>And actually from what I heard, they’re pretty lenient on their deadlines for something like transcripts and scores</p>
<p>you can send it in a few days late. not a big problem. what are they ganna do? rescind you? a couple of my friends from last year sent their ap scores 2-4 days late and everything turned out fine. just make sure to turn it in ASAP</p>
<p>Yea like BlackLantern said, they are not going to rescind you for getting scores in late.</p>
<p>lol, don’t worry about it.</p>
<p>if anything, AP scores should HELP you, not hurt you.
they probably want them by the 15th to process all of them promptly.</p>
<p>late transcripts are another issue.</p>
<p>I have a question though. I know scores being sent late are usually not a problem, but my scores might not evenb be available yet and they might be later than most.</p>
<p>wow thank you
i was getting really nervous that the school would not acknowledge my scores hehe thanks for your replies :)</p>
<p>Uh… they wouldn’t care even if you DON’T ever send in your AP scores (at least for your senior year). Furthermore, you already gave them your AP scores on the application. No problem.</p>
<p>abch123 that’s completely false. they need real proofs to verify the admissions application…</p>
<p>What I meant was they do not need your AP scores for your senior year. They would still need your other AP scores, but sending them in late is not a problem.</p>
<p>But if you don’t send in your senior AP scores in, they won’t count as credits.</p>