Is it okay for me not to take Physics during HS when I plan to be a CS major?

As a freshman, I could not care less about school so I started off in reg classes. Putting me a year behind in getting all sciences. I am currently a Junior now with already 7 classes and 7 again next year. My current science is chemistry and with the classes, I have planned for next year, my counselor highly recommended that having physics as well will be too much on my plate. Reading up on UC websites, it is recommended to take all 4 years of sciences and take the physics subject test for CS majors. Will I still be okay getting into a university such as UCSD or UCI if I did not take physics? I currently have a 3.9 GPA (and is getting close to 4 this semester), I am the historian for my school’s robotics club, president of my school’s AVID club, and I am taking both Pre-Calculus and AP CS Principles.

BTW, I am also taking Introduction to Computer Science 1 at UCLA this summer.

If you were my kid, physics would be in your schedule. Not only for entry TO university but for the fact that you will be doing physics AT university. Look at summer class options, online options, CC options. What classes are you taking next year that would preclude physics? Next year you will take calc? Is 7 classes the max you can take (my kids have 8 but not california) you don’t have any fluff classes or electives? Anything you could get rid of over summer to allow a spot for senior year?
Your competition WILL have physics.

The CS major at some colleges is engineering-based and requires physics. Physics in college will be more difficult if you have not had physics in high school.

The classes I am planning to take next year are

  1. AP Calculus AB
  2. AP English Literature
  3. Engineering 2
  4. AVID 12
  5. AP Computer Science A
  6. Gov/Econ
  7. Spanish 3

The classes I am most flexible with changing are English because I am not sure literature will be that much importance and Engineering 2 because it is mainly wood robots. Everything else I pretty much need. I particularly need Spanish 3 because I took Spanish 1 in 8th grade, but it does not count as a High school credit. So I still need 1 more year of a language. I also need AVID 12 because I am the president of the club.

Wood robots?? Engineering is kind of pointless without physics. Take physics instead of engineering.

Take whatever English you like. An AP is good, but other than that, it really doesn’t matter which one. CS majors need to be able to communicate goodly. :slight_smile:

Take AP Physics1 or honors physics. Switch out engineering2 or AP lit (but do take honors English if you choose to switch out English lit).

So far, my plan is to switch out Engineering 2 to take AP Computer Science A, AVID 12, AP Calculus AB, Spanish 3, Gov/Econ, AP Lit, and Physics. But I am worried though that this will be too much.

Physics is more important than APCS in high school. Not all hs treat it as a rigorous course, not all adcoms are impressed to see it.

And on your other thread, you say you’re already in APCS Principles and taking Intro CS at UCLA this summer. So if you’re worried about too much, maybe that’s what you drop.

If you don’t want to give up your APCS, and you are worried about the work load, do regular American literature instead of AP.