Is it okay to drop a class in 2nd semester?

<p>It's not even a major academic class..
it's an elective class - tech theater where I need to clean/organize backstage, and I got B for my quarter grade just because I wasn't there 20 hrs after class (they have this weird rule thing going on that we need to stay after school and somehow help them... she said its like a homework kind of thing)
Will this grade hurt me? </p>

<p>I am thinking of dropping this class in 2nd semester but I heard that colleges frown at you if you drop your class or something.. But after all, this is just an ELECTIVE I didn't need in the first place. It seemed fun but it wasn't and I am just TIRED in that class so I want to go home and be more productive.</p>

<p>Please Please help me. I don't want to waste my time doing something I hate for rest of my senior year... arhhh</p>

<p>Dropping an elective shouldn’t be a problem. What colleges are concerned about are students who show rigorous sr. schedules when they apply and then get low grades or drop core classes second semester.</p>