Is it pointless?

<p>I took the ACT my first time April 8th with no prep because i was focusing on the SAT, which i had taken the week before. my breakdown was:</p>

<p>composite 33
english: 33
math: 30
reading: 34
science: 33
combined english/writing: 32
writing: 10</p>

<p>my score is decent, but i am not happy with the low math. i am registered to take the test again june 10th. my dad says its a bad idea because i probably wont do any better. im looking to increase english, reading, and science by at least 1 point; increase the math 3 points, and get the writing to at least an 11. any tips from people who have been able to do this? do you think if your score was ok the first time its a waste to do it again?</p>

<p>I'd guess you could increase your score. Like 55% of the people who retake it raise their scores. Good luck.</p>

<p>I'm in the same situation, but with a 34. The bad thing is with a 33 I KNEW I'd retake it, and with a 35 I KNEW I wouldn't, but a 34 I'm not sure. I probably won't re-take though.</p>